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If you just had to pick one....


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If you had a gun held to your head, and you had to pick a celebrity to be President, who would it be?


This can be any type of celebrity, from sports star to businessman (Trump anyone?) to an actor, to anyone.


Its an interesting question as celebrities talk about politics so much and they are a spotlight, but are the ones with the floor who we'd pick to be President?


Anyway, my choice would be Adam Corrola.

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If you had a gun held to your head, and you had to pick a celebrity to be President, who would it be?


This can be any type of celebrity, from sports star to businessman (Trump anyone?) to an actor, to anyone.


Its an interesting question as celebrities talk about politics so much and they are a spotlight, but are the ones with the floor who we'd pick to be President?


Anyway, my choice would be Adam Corrola.



Jessica Simpson. Basically, she's too stupid to accomplish anything, so I'd trust her not to actively screw up the country.

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If you had a gun held to your head, and you had to pick a celebrity to be President, who would it be?


This can be any type of celebrity, from sports star to businessman (Trump anyone?) to an actor, to anyone.


Its an interesting question as celebrities talk about politics so much and they are a spotlight, but are the ones with the floor who we'd pick to be President?


Anyway, my choice would be Adam Corrola.



Corrala's political/society rants on the radio version of Loveline are classic. I agree, he'd make a great president.

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Well, if its not McLaughlin, it would probably be that Country Western Homo. :P  ;)



Hootie? :blink:



Is that guy in your avatar Michael Palin as one of his Monty Python characters? ;)

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Well, if its not McLaughlin, it would probably be that Country Western Homo. ;)  :blink:


Come on man, it's gotta be Martina.


One look at her in negotiations and any arab sheik drops the price of oil to 12 cents a barrel. That's 7 cents net after we get our nickel deposit back.


That's good for the economy.

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