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I just went through researching this because everything is curbside these days in MD.


The bottom line is that the curbside people should be tipped.  They do more than just carry the food to you and give you change.  They take your order, with all your hold X and extra Y and substitute Z requests.  Then the pack it appropriately in all the to-go containers, making sure you have your side salads, bread, utensils, napkins, chips, dressings, and condiments.  They do this for 1, 2, or 10 people per order.


That is worth a couple of bucks or more depending on the size of your order.


In fact, curbside service has nothing to do with the tipping.  If you go inside and pick it up they should receive the same kindness for busting their hump to prepare your meal, so you can pick up and go.


Oh, and don't think you aren't getting a spitter when you regularly stiff the to-go staff at your favorite place...  The servers talk and they remember faces and names.



I hate when I agree with you. Plus they also remember your car, or tractor, in BF's case. :D<_<

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I personally think the whole tipping thing is bogus. I don't understand why the customers are paying for the store's labor costs. Waiters should get a decent wage and if they work extra hard maybe the customers will reward their hard work with an extra buck or two.

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I personally think the whole tipping thing is bogus.  I don't understand why the customers are paying for the store's labor costs.  Waiters should get a decent wage and if they work extra hard maybe the customers will reward their hard work with an extra buck or two.


wierd, I was going to post the exact same thing

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Y'all be so superior, ya hear?



You mean, unlike....


Move south. People appreciate service and have manners there. Not all, but more likely you will find some. Much more than the "friendly" North.


So the yankees are all superior, but we should all move south...where the people are better?




(Sorry, dude. Six years I lived the life of a dago wop in North Carolina. You can have the south.) <_<

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I don't quite get what you mean by that?



Probably just like Cary NC. The locals swear it stands for "Containment Area for Relocated Yankees"



Never have order curbside service, but most likely would not tip. I do not tip in Starbucks, McDonalds or Arbys. And Arbys is really not that much differant than an Applebees or Chiles now, at least here in Richmond. They even have one here that serves beer and wine

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You mean, unlike....

So the yankees are all superior, but we should all move south...where the people are better?




(Sorry, dude. Six years I lived the life of a dago wop in North Carolina. You can have the south.) <_<


You're just pissed because people in the South figured out how to use answering machines at a faster than expected pace.

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You're just pissed because people in the South figured out how to use answering machines at a faster than expected pace.



Too bad they only leave 3 seconds to record after eating up the tape with their painfully slow greeting.

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For that matter, why not tip the guy who changed your oil, or filled your propane tank? They busted their hump, too. In fact, I'm bustin' my hump posting in this thread. Anyone got a tip for me?



Yeah I've got a tip for you.


Don't eat the brown acid.

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Probably just like Cary NC. The locals swear it stands for "Containment Area for Relocated Yankees"

Never have order curbside service, but most likely would not tip. I do not tip in Starbucks, McDonalds or Arbys. And Arbys is really not that much differant than an Applebees or Chiles now, at least here in Richmond. They even have one here that serves beer and wine




Yeah there are a lot of relocated northerners here. I'm one myself. I'm not buying into the statement that northerners are bad tippers though. There are bad tippers scattered all over the country.

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I like the way they handle tipping in England -- 10%, automatically added to your bill. If you don't agree that the service is worth 10%, you can bring it up with the server after the meal and get it removed/reduced. However, everyplace my wife and I went, the service was EASILY worth 10%.


If everyone gave 10%, servers would be making a good wage. Assume 7 tables, each table eating $30 worth of food on average, and you spend roughly an hour eating, that's $21/hour. If you assume it takes two hours to eat, that's still $10.50/hr, which still isn't terrible.



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Thanks for the "tips" peeps. I also think that tipping has gotten out of hand. I couldn't believe that hotel room cleaners (formerly: maids) even get tips! I mean, where does it end?


As for the restaurant biz, I accept that tipping is part of it. I've always wondered how they can get away with paying servers well below minimum wage, and I chalk that up to the idea that it usually gets taken-care-of with tips, and that if a server doesn't make minimum over a certain period of time, the owner is obligated to pay the difference (or maybe I'm just dreaming that last part). In any case, it's built into the system so it's understandable/excusable. Knowing that a server makes about 1/3 what a "curbside" person does, and I assume the disparity is a reflection of the difference in tips since a server probably sees more/bigger tips than a "curbside" person, gives me a guide to tipping the "curbside" person a couple bucks because they have to take your order, package the stuff, ring you up.


My last question though is, do cooks share in tips? I've heard busboys do.

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My last question though is, do cooks share in tips?  I've heard busboys do.



Where I work, they don't. They get a pretty good hourly wage though. The hosts get a share of our tips because they partially bus and wipe down our tables.

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If everyone gave 10%, servers would be making a good wage.  Assume 7 tables, each table eating $30 worth of food on average, and you spend roughly an hour eating, that's $21/hour.  If you assume it takes two hours to eat, that's still $10.50/hr, which still isn't terrible.





Where I work, each person usually gets 4 tables. Depending on how busy it is, a lot of times all 4 tables are not even filled. If someone had 7 tables all filled at once the server would not even have enough time to spend earning that 10 percent at each table. If everyone tipped 10 percent, I'm guessing the dollars per hour would be a little below 10 bucks. It wouldn't be horribly low, but I don't think it would be as high as your estimate.

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