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OT - Today is Hawaain shirt day

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Actually it is "Wear a Baseball shirt day" because today is the company meeting and to lessen the blow, everyone can wear a baseball shirt, it is the battle of the Yankees and the Red Sox but I wore my Pittsburgh Pirates Randall "I beat the Sausage Girl" Simon jersey I bought on MLB.com thanks to someone on TBD. Anybody have any Office Space-esque stojan like this in their office?

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Here's one right out of the Bobs' playbook:


Our company was bought out two months ago and the acquiring firm is integrating things very quickly. They've already had the first layoffs, changed systems, etc.


The other day there is a memo about a mandatory "boot camp" day of training (I presume about policies and other nonsense). At the end of the day they are going to have a little party with raffle prizes. How do you get raffle tickets? You get one for each piece of junk with our old company logo on it (pens, mugs, shirts, etc) that you turn in....presumably so it can be burned? Hey, why not just implement a $10 fine if you are caught drinking coffee out of the wrong mug.


And the worst part is that after we finished the deal, the other side told our employees “it’ll all be business as usual”. Most of them, having not been through an acquisition before, sadly and predictably believed them. Two months later, all remnants of the company some of them worked at for ten years is history.


Nothing like stomping the corporate culture on the new employees! <_<

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Just that and carrying a Rainbow Flag to, arent you, you Homo! <_<



At the Paramount King's Island amusement park here, on "Gay Day" and pretty much through the park's season, the afficianodos wear red T-shirts as a signal.


In my last job, our big cheese purchasing agent called us down here in Podunk, Ohio, asking about the park. My boss extolled it, but told him that he and his companions (his jacka** family) would get special deals if they all wore red T-shirts.


Afterwards, he villlified us. :P

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In a previous life I ran west coast operations with 17 employees for a NJ-based company, and outside of standard business/accounting practices instituted by the company, I was allowed to set the tone for the work day. Since there were not many customers coming by, I pretty much let everyone dress casually. Jeans, polo shirts, etc.


There was only one rule they had to abide by: no one, and I mean no one, can come to work in a costume on Halloween. Anyone coming to work in a costume on Halloween was responsible for the entire office spending the rest of the year in business attire, five days a week.


Halloween sucks.

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In a previous life I ran west coast operations with 17 employees for a NJ-based company, and outside of standard business/accounting practices instituted by the company, I was allowed to set the tone for the work day. Since there were not many customers coming by, I pretty much let everyone dress casually. Jeans, polo shirts, etc.


There was only one rule they had to abide by: no one, and I mean no one, can come to work in a costume on Halloween.  Anyone coming to work in a costume on Halloween was responsible for the entire office spending the rest of the year in business attire, five days a week.


Halloween sucks.




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