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10 Movies you can watch over and over again

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What's the movie where a stealth bomber is sent back in time and it changes the outcome of WWI?






There was one where a nuclear carrier went back before Pearl Harbor and slapped the snot out of the Jap attack fleet - sorta. IIRC, the old "can't change the course of history" pablum was drug out - dunno...

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I think youre thinking of the Final Countdown with Kirk Douglas, where a Navy Aircraft carrier goes back in time to the day before Pearl Harbor, but decides not to interfere with history.



That's a great movie... but that's not it.

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There was one where a nuclear carrier went back before Pearl Harbor and slapped the snot out of the Jap attack fleet - sorta.  IIRC, the old "can't change the course of history" pablum was drug out - dunno.



That's not it. And no they didn't slap the SOO the japs.... they decided not to interfere.

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Just because it's late and I have a six pack of Harp lager running through me...




Monty Python & the Holy Grail

Office Space

Return of the King


The Patriot

Necessary Roughness

Major League

Princess Bride


Good group there. :doh:

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I have a nasty habbit of watching lots of movies (even bad ones sometimes) over and over again.


Since people have already named some great ones, I will stick only those that haven't been mentioned (or only have been mentioned once):


China Town

Good Will Hunting


Miller's Crossing

The Big Sleep (the original)

Three Kings

Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid


Donnie Brasco

Heat (named once)

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Not necessarily my favorite movies, but if I find it channel surfing my ass is on the couch for the next two hours.


Black Hawk Down -

"When I get home people 'll ask me, "Hey Hoot, why do ya do it man? Why? Just some war junkie?" Ya know what I'll say? I won't say a g-damn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you, and that's it. That's all it is. "


True Lies -

"What kind of a sick B word takes the ice cube trays?"


Suicide Kings -

"So all I'm saying to you is if you wanna drink, you go ahead and drink. But if I ever find out that you laid your hands on that little girl again, me and Mr. Mantle are gonna pay you a visit my friend."


Ghostbusters -

"Where do these stairs go?"

"They go up."


Animal House -

"I'm a zit...get it?"


Flash Gordon -

"What do you mean, "Flash Gordon approaching?"


Van Wilder -

"Well, you haven't lived until you've shot-putted blitzed on Jager!"



"You passed out cigarettes for a smoke-a-thon on Earth Day. You installed speed bumps on the handicapped ramps and, most recently, you dumped 100 pounds of... MEAT on a peaceful vegan protest!"

"Oh, come on! That was way more than 100 pounds. "


Road Trip -

"This is the Joseph H. Nelson Memorial Library, here. Okay? It was built in the 1600s. "

"1600s? It says it was built in 1951."

"That's the address. Okay? Wise-ass."


Eurotrip -

"So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yardballs!"


"Wow. You guys are on a completely different level of swearing here."





Suicide Kings was a great flick! I'm going to rent it right now.

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I will just do sports movies:


1. Field of Dreams


2. Hoosiers


3. Raging Bull


4. The Natural


5. Rocky 1


6. The Longest Yard


7. Bull Durham


8. Pride of the Yankees


9. Caddyshack ( a stretch)


10. Slap Shot

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I will just do sports movies:


1.  Field of Dreams




Field of Dreams was forever ruined for me when I read Kinsella's book. It makes me cringe now when I see it because all I can see is Kinsella laughing all the way to the bank.


Crazy Canadians. :ph34r:

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16 friggin' replies and nobody mentions "Caddyshack"?


It's like I hardly know you people.



My thoughts exactly.


In no particular order:



Godfather 1

Godfather 2



The Day the Earth Stood Still


The Thing (Carpenter Version)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail



There's more, but someone said 10.

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Field of Dreams was forever ruined for me when I read Kinsella's book. It makes me cringe now when I see it because all I can see is Kinsella laughing all the way to the bank.


Crazy Canadians.  :ph34r:


Kinda kool little story about "Shoeless Joe" the book, which is a great book. In the movie, there is that James Earl Jones character that plays the reclusive writer who the main character goes and visits after thinking it was a sign from the Gods that he read his father's name in one of the articles that the guy wrote. That is what provokes him to go to Boston and see the Red Sox game.


In the book, as you know because you read it, that character was actually the reclusive writer J.D. Salinger, not a black guy. A few years ago I was buying "The Catcher in the Rye" for a teenager and decided to read it again. In the middle of the book, mentioned one time, was a character Holden met in school I think, whose last name was Kinsella. It was the author W.P. Kinsella's father's name. So that little incident actually happened to him, and it made its way into the book "Shoeless Joe". I just thought that was neat.

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Used Cars


Great call....one of the funniest and most under rated comedies ever.



Others I can watch over and over:



Apollo 13



Shawshank Redemtion


Animal House

Major League

The Sure Thing

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Kinda kool little story about "Shoeless Joe" the book, which is a great book. In the movie, there is that James Earl Jones character that plays the reclusive writer who the main character goes and visits after thinking it was a sign from the Gods that he read his father's name in one of the articles that the guy wrote. That is what provokes him to go to Boston and see the Red Sox game.


In the book, as you know because you read it, that character was actually the reclusive writer J.D. Salinger, not a black guy. A few years ago I was buying "The Catcher in the Rye" for a teenager and decided to read it again. In the middle of the book, mentioned one time, was a character Holden met in school I think, whose last name was Kinsella. It was the author W.P. Kinsella's father's name. So that little incident actually happened to him, and it made its way into the book "Shoeless Joe". I just thought that was neat.



Yeah, that is a very cool tie. I don't remember that in part in "Catcher in the Rye", I'll have to read that one again.


I really liked "Shoeless Joe", but when you really analyze it, it is apparent Kinsella is sending up the American fascination with sport (in general) and baseball in particular. While on the surface the book is every bit as endearing as the film, underneath Kinsella was taking some mighty big shots at the American psyche.


The story is about a guy who hears voices (most people would call him crazy)...dreams about baseball players of two generations ago...destroys his farm and risks his family's very livelyhood by plowing his crops so that he can appease the voices in his head. There are also a lot of little comentaries about the American perception of race since the book takes place in maybe the whitest state in the Union (which they call Heaven several times), and the era everyone in the story is longing to restore is one where blacks weren't allowed to play in the Bigs. This is especially funny since they cast James Earl Jones as the mock Sallinger.


But the shinning example of this comes when Ray talks with the older Moonlight in his office. The elder Moonlight tells Ray about sliding in safetly after hitting a tripple. On screen this scene plays beautifully...you buy into it and believe him. If you go read that passage in the book (which is almost word for word what is on screen) you will see a totally different slant. That one passage combines all the elements mentioned above and wraps them up into this story that reads so silly on the page...proving (according to Kinsella) that Americans are just crazy.


But he was right. Afterall, the American movie took that silly scene and made it (as well as the whole movie) deadly serious.


So here's Kinsella, writing this little book about how crazy Americans are for baseball (not in a healthy way), next thing he knows it's a monster best seller in the states AND becomes a huge success at the Box Office...which all proved the point of his book.


It just makes me chuckle.

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Tyler Durden: You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your !@#$ing khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

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Indiana Jones- all of them

Dazed and Confused

Resevoir Dogs

Bong Water- great movie. Jack Black is freakin histerical


On the Waterfront


Rocky- all of them

A christmas story

Die Hard

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