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Lara Trump says RNC will be a 'Family Affair' under her leadership

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19 minutes ago, BillStime said:




On 3/24/2024 at 10:57 AM, B-Man said:

All the concerned "advice" for the RNC.




With RNC Shakeup, MAGA Brings Accountability To The Republican Party

by Gavin Wax


An insidious institutional rot has long afflicted the Republican Party and the broader conservative movement. Historically, this has presented a vexing problem for grassroots activists desperate to change the status quo. Now, after Herculean efforts by players big and small, it appears that the rabble-rousing of the MAGA faithful is finally paying off.


New Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley and Vice Chairwoman Lara Trump have brought immediate change to the institution, working with senior Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita to streamline this leviathan. Whereas former RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel did not make the systemic changes needed to support a modern campaign infrastructure, the new team has wasted no time





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On 3/14/2024 at 11:38 PM, B-Man said:

Good article.  Much too long for the lemmings on the board


Don't Believe the Doom-and-Gloom Crowd; the Changes at the RNC Are Overwhelmingly Positive

By Jennifer Van Laar 


Call me crazy, but when Democrats hyperventilate over something Republicans are doing politically and say the strategy is ill-advised or will lead to disaster, I tend to think the strategy might have some merit. Since that's been their reaction to the swift changes enacted at the Republican National Committee, you can assume they think the changes are good for Republicans - or at least are capable of being good for Republicans.


Just four business days into their term, RNC chair Michael Whatley, co-chair Lara Trump, and chief of operations Chris LaCivita have been extremely busy restructuring the organization. As we reported Monday night, political director Elliott Echols and one of his top staffers, Tripp Looser; communications director Keith Schippert; Mike Mears (chief of staff to former co-chair Drew McKissick); and the lead data director were all given their walking papers. We also reported at that time that an email went out to staff from Sean Cairncross, LaCivita's number two, stating that all existing vendor contracts were going to be reviewed.




Some Republicans are also concerned that the RNC will be used to pay Trump's legal bills, citing some of Lara Trump's media appearances before the RNC election. She's walked those comments back, and on Thursday stated that the RNC is not paying any of her father-in-law's legal bills. LaCivita has pledged on numerous occasions that the RNC will not spend money on any of Trump's legal bills - and I will be watching to ensure that's the case.


As conservatives, we're natural skeptics and don't trust bureaucracies or political machines to do the right thing. We should absolutely continue that skepticism. However, based on my hundreds of hours of poring over eight years of RNC finances and dozens of hours speaking with vendors, grassroots activists, state party officials, and the 168 members of the national committee, and my background in both political and management consulting I believe that the actions taken so far signal a massive sea change in the culture at RNC headquarters, and one that was sorely needed. 







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3 hours ago, B-Man said:



They're realizing the RNC now has leadership that's going to fight fire with fire.  And they're scared.

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