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"Rambo" Back on Duty


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Though he's "assimilated into the tapestry of America," workplace stress forces Rambo to leave the big city and move his family to the boonies. Their lives are upended however by white supremacists unhappy about a part-Navajo man moving into the area. When the racists take Rambo's 10-year-old daughter hostage, dad is forced back into action to rescue her.


It looks as if they have already written the synopsis that will appear of the back cover of the DVD as this one bypasses the Theater and goes straight to video. :lol::w00t:

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Don't forget the Geritol and Metamucil.



In scene 6, Rambo was headed out to save the world but forgot his trifocals.


In scene 7, he meets 91 year old Mark Felt -- they swap dentures and stories about being contra-status quo.


In scene 8-Rambo just plain forgets who the hell he is....

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Oh, great, the "white supremacists bad guys" again.


Remember "The Sum of All Fears", when they replaced the middle easterners with "white supremacists" to in order be oh-so-P.C.? They took a great book and turned it into a cartoon movie.


With all of the post-9/11 stuff, you think that they could come up with a better villian.


At least the first Rambo movie had "real" people in it.

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