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OT: Police Sting....has this ever happened.......

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The California Supreme Court later threw out the conviction on grounds that evidence of Alcala's prior attacks on young girls shouldn't have been admitted at trial.



Not to change the subject...but presuming Michael Jackson's convicted, when his conviction gets thrown out on appeal on precisely this issue, people will be better served remembering that the prosecution knowingly did this against precedent rather than blame the appellate court. :doh:

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Pete.  :doh:


Hey Bill- I am not sure if you are laughing with me or at me here(thanks if its with me!). I know you are big on your private rights and I also now you are/were a policeman. My problem is the bar is private. A cop can not go into it and test who is drunk by shining flashlights into their eyes. I know my rights and would tell the cop that. No fuggin way would I allow a cop to shine flashlights into my eyes when I was in a bar-just like I would not allow a cop to shine flashlights into my eyes if I was at my own house. Cops prey on people who do not know their rights or do not have the balls to use them. If a cop pushed the issue after I told him to fug off I would call my sister-she is a kick ass lawyer!

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>>>Cops prey on people who do not know their rights or do not have the balls to use them. <<<


Pretty rough and all inclusive statement, wouldn't you say?


I am guessing that most of this kind of behavior is ordered by supervisors. I never met anybody that would go into a bar and shine a flashlight in people's eyes. For that matter, something like that is/was not allowed.


Again, I have never seen nor even heard of this.


Sucks when rights are taken away, no? :doh:

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Umm, 5 beers in 4 hours does not equal drunk.

5 beers in 1 hour were be a whole different story though.


Here's a handy link:  http://www.intox.com/wheel/drinkwheel.asp


Eric C




According to the drink wheel I can have 8 beers over a 4 hour period and still legally drive. I would have an estimated blood/breath alcohol concentration of .072 g/210 liters of breath. That is just below the NYS limit of .08. I would not want to test this out on the roads.

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