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Manchin Owns Demented Biden


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Thank goodness there is at least one democrat that uses his head for more than a hat rack .


I watched a short video on a link yesterday of Manchin talking to the IEC head explaining how they need to hold China & India more responsible for their green house gas emissions seeing as they have increased their cole fired plants almost by half again what they were a couple years ago & the US is less than it was .


You can bet no one else on that side of the isle is sticking up for all the things the US has done yet turn a blind eye to all the others that tell every one else to go F them selves when it comes to green house gases .


AOC, Schumer, Pelosi, & all them num nuts in Cali only care about killing our economy here & the US footing the bill for every one else .


If Manchin was to run i may even vote for a democrat if he thinks about everything else like he does about that at least it seems as though he is the only one that has any common sense in the democratic party to this point !!

Edited by T master
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Manchin is getting all of the attention....but what should really upset people is that ALL of the other Senators appear to somehow agree or disagree with a Bill that contains THOUSANDS of pages of stuff that they're never read, all because their particular Senate seat has a D or an R after it.  The art of crafting legislation has been completely lost. Instead we see these pork filled monstrosities that force both sides of the aisle to choke down yet another pulled pork-sandwich.  And who loses? The American Taxpayer!  Not these congressional nitwits, who get re-elected time and time and time again. What a mess!

Edited by SoCal Deek
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Repeal the 17th amendment. 




To anyone that thinks that's less freedom and democracy.........please put your face diaper back on, go get your mandatory 5th jab, and go ask a bunch of posters on this forum about how we've never really been free anyway and the concept of freedom is a joke.



Dam I'm going to enjoy all the newfound powers the Republicans are going to have state by state and in Congress and the WH by 2024.  



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