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Still could stand some help at the TE position.

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The New York Daily News is reporting that Shockey has done and said enough controversial things in his three years with the Giants that they should be contemplating if he is worth the aggravation. So far he has been a one year wonder. The Giants though are hardly fed up with him. There has also been plenty of interest in him from other teams.


Should we enter the Shockey sweepstakes? If so, what's his value? I don't know if Henry, Reed or any other current player would be of interest to the Giants. A future draft pick could be attractive to the Giants, especially when they were limited in this last draft. Maybe a combination of player(s)/draft pick would make a deal for him. The press could keep this pot stirred. Coughlin is well documented on his hard nose type of football. If Shockey has a strong personality, then this may become a big barrier to overcome.


I wonder how would our current 'Cane players feel about adding Shockey? Would they help recruit him or be against it? The status of Everett really concerns me. If he misses any time, then how productive can he be this year?


Do you want Shockey on the team, and if so, what would you pay?

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While I'm not thrilled about our current injury riddled tight end corps, I think that if they are able to get healthy we'll be fine.


Living down in Jet/Giant land I've heard more about big mouth Shockey than I can stand. The guy has a lot of skills but he's not a great team player and he still makes a lot of mistakes. And he's an a**hole from all appearances. Tight end is not the position you want to be spending huge money on which is what a player like Shockey will command.

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I don't think the evolution of this offensive scheme is looking necesarily for the high profile/salary TE that Shockey represents. In fact on the surface I'd guess we're in for a lot more 4 and 5 WR sets with a pocket that buys time for the lack of blockers by keeping the D guessing exactly where it's setting up. A moving pocket makes line stunts and other rush techniques a poor choice- if Losman can control his urge to run and allow routes to develop on the move we could see less TE play on passing downs than we've become used to.

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I heard that they weren't that happy with Eli Manning.


Should we get into the Eli sweepstakes?


How would JP's cousins feel?


Maybe we can trade Henry for Eli and their second rounder next year.



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The New York Daily News is reporting that Shockey has done and said enough controversial things in his three years with the Giants that they should be contemplating if he is worth the aggravation. So far he has been a one year wonder. The Giants though are hardly fed up with him. There has also been plenty of interest in him from other teams.


Should we enter the Shockey sweepstakes? If so, what's his value? I don't know if Henry, Reed or any other current player would be of interest to the Giants. A future draft pick could be attractive to the Giants, especially when they were limited in this last draft. Maybe a combination of player(s)/draft pick would make a deal for him. The press could keep this pot stirred. Coughlin is well documented on his hard nose type of football. If Shockey has a strong personality, then this may become a big barrier to overcome.


I wonder how would our current  'Cane players feel about adding Shockey? Would they help recruit him or be against it? The status of Everett really concerns me. If he misses any time, then how productive can he be this year?


Do you want Shockey on the team, and if so, what would you pay?


NO shockey
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Shockey WAS a 1-year wonder.  I'm am hoping against hope that Everett is alright because I think he could become a great TE in the league.  So no I don't think Shockey is worth the aggravation, draft pick(s), and money it would take to get him.



Word is down here that Rosenhouse said it is an ACL. I didn't get it directly, but the guy has no reason to lie. He said that the Bills will take care of him financially.

No link, but we should know for sure soon.


What is with all of our TE's? I guess Ryan Neufeld really is a valuable asset.

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I heard that they weren't that happy with Eli Manning.


Should we get into the Eli sweepstakes?


How would JP's cousins feel?


Maybe we can trade Henry for Eli and their second rounder next year.




The best part about this article is that it wasn't even the Giants who said they weren't happy with him. It was an un-named GM who surmised that they will get rid of him eventually. The author of this OPINION piece even went out of his way to point out that the Giants are perfectly happy with Shockey despite all his antics. It's the writer that has a bug up his butt.


Some people just read too much into stuff. Then, when 1 out of 200 proposals works out they can pat themselves on the back.

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Why would you want an overrated player like Shockey on your team when you have a player with possibly more potential in Everett?  He's faster and bigger.


Shockey would be a pain... nothing more.



i really cant believe you just said that....



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I don't want Shockey within 50 miles of here.  Overrated, injury-prone and a pain-in-the-arse attitude.



I think the feeling would be mutual. Can you see a guy like Shockey being happy in a place like Buffalo!! I'd love to see the expression on his face if that trade ever went down. LMAO! :D

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I think the feeling would be mutual.  Can you see a guy like Shockey being happy in a place like Buffalo!!  I'd love to see the expression on his face if that trade ever went down.  LMAO!  :D



:P What, you don't think Chippewa would satisfy his late-night needs?? Something would tell me his off-field celebrity (which he is almost starting to become more known for, rather than his on-field celebrity and that aint a good thing boys and girls) would take a serious nose-dive.

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