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Bills Fans are not being grateful


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I for one am happy the Bills are 6-2. Do I want to see more from the offense. Yes! 

Do I think the schedule is easy? Who cares! At one point we were the easy schedule. 

I look at it as this team is learning how to win games. There are no style point wins just wins and losses. People doing alot of complaining about how the team look when the goal is to win the game. Bills fans should embrace the start and be happy that we have a team again that is winning.

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Nobody wants to say it but let’s be real here...We are all scared. And that’s not our fault. Most Bills fans know that the second they allow themselves to feel that something is probably good, the rug will get pulled out. It’s a defense mechanism and it’s not our fault. It’s the Bills fault for breaking our hearts all these years. It’s not that we aren’t great full. It’s that we are battered. Sorry. I didn’t want to have to be the one to say it.

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