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santo padre

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Perhaps some should or what is easier rely on unsharp wit and change the subject. It masks hopeless desperation


As does trying too hard to be eloquent. Consider working on sentence structure before trying to impress us with your vocabulary.

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This Pope was unrelenting, perhaps even unforgiving when it came to priestly abuse of the young. As for restitution the Boston Diocese is practically bankrupt.


Cardinal Law is a bad, bad man.


Where is Cardinal Law today? He's in Rome where he doesn't have to face justice for the terrible things he did. He is also on a board / committee where he helps give out punishments to priests.


As for the % of protestant abuse, I haven't seen those. I have never heard of widespread collusion in any protestant church to hide awful, hideous crimes where ministers are sent from town to town only to hurt again and again.

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he puts his pants on one leg at a time.




The only difference is, he makes gold records! He's the rooster of the walk, baby!




Q: How do you get a nun pregnant?

















A: Dress her like an altar boy.

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Good thing there is no Catholic bashing in this thread.  :(


What do you expect from a thread that started with subtle Protestant-bashing?


People get so worked up about organized religion that any personal revelation tends to be obscured. When are people going to learn?

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So the Catholics should stop bashing themselves? :(  :doh:



No, Catholics don't bash themselves. Protestants do, because they want to be Catholic. Ergo, when Catholics bash Protestants, they're actually bashing Catholic wanna-be's, and in effect bashing their own religion and hence themselves.


Didn't you read beausox's posts? It's all in there. Of course, maybe it only makes sense to me as a crap-throwing monkey.

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No, Catholics don't bash themselves.  Protestants do, because they want to be Catholic.  Ergo, when Catholics bash Protestants, they're actually bashing Catholic wanna-be's, and in effect bashing their own religion and hence themselves.


Didn't you read beausox's posts?  It's all in there.  Of course, maybe it only makes sense to me as a crap-throwing monkey.


In my initial post i said that some "may protest in Joycean fashion". Happy "Bloomsday"

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