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April Fools Ideas?

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You guys/gals have some creative...sorta twisted minds...i really like that about you <grin>


I should've asked earlier but i work in an office environment and need some help on pranks/gags for today...sorry for the short notice but trust some good responses will help the day's lighter side.



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i know there's the old standby of walking in and telling an associate that they have a flat tire, or last year leaving a phone message to call Mr. Lyon, and put the phone number of the local zoo. but i have faith of for fresh ideas....

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Pretend to get angry with your cow-orkers. Then stomp over to your desk, and in a loud voice say you're done dealing with their incompitence and are quiting. Grab your coat and go outside and enjoy this nice day. Then around 4pm call your boss and say "April Fool". You'll all laugh about it on Monday.

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You guys/gals have some creative...sorta twisted minds...i really like that about you <grin>


I should've asked earlier but i work in an office environment and need some help on pranks/gags for today...sorry for the short notice but trust some good responses will help the day's lighter side.





call your friends and tell them Usher came out of the closet today and admitted he is bi-sexual. It's already going around, so his website is swamped, which makes it look kind of real...

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You guys/gals have some creative...sorta twisted minds...i really like that about you <grin>


I should've asked earlier but i work in an office environment and need some help on pranks/gags for today...sorry for the short notice but trust some good responses will help the day's lighter side.





Put clear plastic wrap over the toilet bowl. Make sure you get it right with no creases. :o

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Put clear plastic wrap over the toilet bowl.  Make sure you get it right with no creases.  :o


I went in the bathroom this morning to discover that Mrs. Rock smeared the toilet seat with chunky peanut butter.


When I went out to the car, there was a realistic human arm sticking out of the trunk.


I took the arm to work and it is in a hall now, protruding from the bottom of a file cabinet. Gets a laugh, anyway.


We put a For Sale sign in a neighbor's front yard before dawn today.


One year we shrink wrapped a car, wrapped tight - like a skid.


Another year we put my son's car in the front yard with a 'for sale' sign in the window, then had people call him to ask about the price.

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Here's one I've done a couple times with great success:


If you work with someone who works in Word a lot, you can sneak onto their computer and go into Autocorrect. You can make it so that what they type gets changed all around. The possibilities are endless. Here are some random suggestions...


"If" becomes "If you think"

"please" -> "why doncha"

"I" -> "I begrudgingly"

"the" -> "the everlovin'"

"thank you" -> "it's about time"

"Sincerely" -> "Str8 pimpin'"

"because" - > "cuz guess what, B word?"


This will make anything they write come off as ludicrously insane and they won't know why. It's especially great for people who regularly write letters to customers.

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Here's one I've done a couple times with great success:


If you work with someone who works in Word a lot, you can sneak onto their computer and go into Autocorrect.  You can make it so that what they type gets changed all around.  The possibilities are endless.  Here are some random suggestions...


"If" becomes "If you think"

"please" -> "why doncha"

"I" -> "I begrudgingly"

"the" -> "the everlovin'"

"thank you" -> "it's about time"

"Sincerely" -> "Str8 pimpin'"

"because" - > "cuz guess what, B word?"


This will make anything they write come off as ludicrously insane and they won't know why.  It's especially great for people who regularly write letters to customers.


:devil: LMAO!

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Pretend to get angry with your cow-orkers. Then stomp over to your desk, and in a loud voice say you're done dealing with their incompitence and are quiting. Grab your coat and go outside and enjoy this nice day. Then around 4pm call your boss and say "April Fool". You'll all laugh about it on Monday.



You can take a dump on his windshield for extra added effect as work coworkers peer through the blinds in shock and horror. Good times.

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We took the lawn ornaments from my grandparent-in-laws basement and stuck them in front of my father in-laws house last year. mind you he had just built the house so there wasn't any lawn but there was a pink flamingo, multiple gnomes, windmills and a big plastic fountain.

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