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Does "I plea the 5th" = "I took steroids"

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"Taking steroids is not illegal"


Uh, YES, taking steroids is in fact illegal. To say taking steroids is not illegal is just plain ignorance.


"The Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 added anabolic steroids to the federal schedule of controlled substances, thereby criminalizing their non-medical use by those seeking muscle growth for athletic or cosmetic enhancement. It places steroids in the same legal class as amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium and morphine. Those caught illegally possessing anabolic steroids even for purely personal use face arrest and prosecution. Under the Control Act, it is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess an anabolic steroid unless it was obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order, from a practitioner, while acting in the course of his professional practice (or except as otherwise authorized). A simple possession conviction is punishable by a term of imprisonment of up to one year and/or a minimum fine of $1,000."


In 2004 the following drugs were added to the above





Kasper, you just proved my point:


Possession and distribution is illegal. Taking steroids is not. It's splitting hairs but its the crux of this argument.


It's like the guy walkind down the street high on Cocaine. He doesn't have any cocaine on his person, he is just high. As long as he isn't driving a motor vehicle, he is not breaking the law.


Now, he broke the law when he purchased it, he broke it when he possessed it, but you cannot prove he did any of those things. All you know is he has coke in his system.


That's the problem with the Roid hearings. They can't do anything to the players. They cannot arrest them (unless they perjure themselves...which will be impossible to determine since there is no evidence that any player ever took roids since MLB didn't have a testing policy).


So if the goal isn't to arrest the players, what's the point? Get the guys who make and distribute them? That can't be the case because if that is what they truly wanted to accomplish, this would be a closed door session without the press and all players would be granted immunity.

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Kasper, you just proved my point:


Possession and distribution is illegal. Taking steroids is not. It's splitting hairs but its the crux of this argument.


It's like the guy walkind down the street high on Cocaine. He doesn't have any cocaine on his person, he is just high. As long as he isn't driving a motor vehicle, he is not breaking the law.


Now, he broke the law when he purchased it, he broke it when he possessed it, but you cannot prove he did any of those things. All you know is he has coke in his system.


That's the problem with the Roid hearings. They can't do anything to the players. They cannot arrest them (unless they perjure themselves...which will be impossible to determine since there is no evidence that any player ever took roids since MLB didn't have a testing policy).


So if the goal isn't to arrest the players, what's the point? Get the guys who make and distribute them? That can't be the case because if that is what they truly wanted to accomplish, this would be a closed door session without the press and all players would be granted immunity.



This is the same thing as most any other drug - nitrous, for example. When I went to woodstock, that was a big thing going around. Everyone's logic was "its only illegal to posess, buy, or sell, but not to do it. Well, since the effects of nitrous last seconds, you have a very low window of getting caught posessing anything.

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This is the same thing as most any other drug - nitrous, for example. When I went to woodstock, that was a big thing going around. Everyone's logic was "its only illegal to posess, buy, or sell, but not to do it. Well, since the effects of nitrous last seconds, you have a very low window of getting caught posessing anything.


Exactly. I am not condoning the players. I am just saying there is nothing illegal they can prosecute them for...even if they ADMIT to using steroids.


The only way they could prosecute is if they perjure themselves (AND they have evidence...simple hearsay won't hold) or if they had evidence of Steroids in their possession.


But it gets better. This won't stop. Baseball is just the beginning. Now that the media and Congress knows it's a hot topic, the NFL is next. We will soon (within the next 2 or 3 years) be reliving this with NFL, NBA and NHL players.

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Guess we don't have to worry about anyone pleading the 5th, they chose to just lie:



"I have never used steroids. Period," Palmeiro said. "I do not know how to say it any more clearly than that. Never."




"Everything I have heard about steroids and human growth hormones is that they are very bad for you," Sammy Sosa, recently traded from the Chicago Cubs to the Baltimore Orioles, said in his opening statement, read by an interpreter. "I would never put anything dangerous like that in my body."

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Guess we don't have to worry about anyone pleading the 5th, they chose to just lie:

"I have never used steroids. Period," Palmeiro said. "I do not know how to say it any more clearly than that. Never."

"Everything I have heard about steroids and human growth hormones is that they are very bad for you," Sammy Sosa, recently traded from the Chicago Cubs to the Baltimore Orioles, said in his opening statement, read by an interpreter. "I would never put anything dangerous like that in my body."


But did you really expect anything different?


Again, even if they are lying (and we all think they are), no one can prove otherwise.

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