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OT: 1979 cult classic...The Warriors


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I cant believe you guys are talking about this movie! I used to watch it all the time when I was young. It was always on the NY tv station (WPIX?) I used to love it. Im going to have to rent it this week.

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I wouldn't call it a classic.  It was pretty lame, in my opinion.  Perfect for a remake.





A classic? Far from it. A CULT classic. HELL YES.


I've probably seen it 50 times all together. My first viewing was probably at age 8 or so.



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About the same time another gang movie was out called "The Wanderers".  That had the guy who played "Meat" on Porky's.  That has some funny gangs in it and was not a bad movie at all....




That was a good movie, too.

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The movie was geographically accurate in that scenes were (mostly) shot along the route that the Warriors would take to get from the Bronx to their home base in Brooklyn. The subway skate fight was takes place in Union Square station which is on 14th street in Manhattan a few blocks from where I grew up. Roller hockey was about as popular as basketball in Manhattan so it is not surprising that they used a roller skate reference (Roller blades did not exist at that time). At the time of its release there were some isolated incidents of violence at theaters so it was amusing to see one of Brockport’s finest parked in front of the (Strand) theater when it started showing there. I agree with Promo, though. It was pretty lame. Can you diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig it? <_<

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Pretty sure this was the first R rated movie I ever saw. I was in 8th grade and my then oldest sister's boyfriend (now ex-husband) took me. Not sure if people remember but back then it was a controversial movie because it was considered extremely violent for its time. That is why it may not 'hold up' as well for some who watch it now, where the violence pales in comparison to present day movies. At the time though it was a damn cool movie for someone in 8th grade - I remember kids pretending to be members of the various gangs.


One of the best delivered movie lines ever - "Warriors - come out to playyyayyyayy"

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Anyone ever see that movie....Its a great flick. I have the tape on it's on my pc.

Anyway they are going to do a remake...due in 2006. It sounds like there going

to screw up the remake. 




MTV Productions is producing a remake of The Warriors in conjunction with Paramount. Tony Scott is directing, and the movie is believed to have no guns with a focus on martial arts and street fighting. The movie is expected to be released in 2006. It won't be an actual "remake" of the 1979 film. Instead, it's going to be an updated version, probably set in the present day. From what I've heard they want to make a Matrix like Kung Fu movie and not a dedicated remake. So for all of you who were hoping that it would be set in 1979 NYC, sorry. The general theme and some of the names may stay intact but overall it's probably going to be completely different. Check out this link: http://www.moviepoopshoot.com/news/sep02/127.html. Keep up to date with all the developments here, and in the active remake forum (visited by the producer of the movie).


Here is the original.








Why can't Hollywood just leave it the heck alone? Does EVERYTHING have to be remade? Is every writer suffering from writer's block now or something? Damn.


I loved the original.


"...I'm gonna shove that bat up your a** and turn you into a popsicle!"

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