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2 Scenes From The Chess Game & I'm Unsure on Dennison

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Nicely done. I think these examples are a great illustration of why constantly changing offensive coordinators can leave an offense spinning its wheels. Several seasons with the same coordinator can provide the necessary repetition and practice to reduce the number of errors or blown assignments.


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14 hours ago, Boatdrinks said:

Nicely illustrated, but the greater point comes back to one thing. Is it smarter to design nice plays that you think will work and set up well for a QB that doesn't / can't do the things that MUST be done for the play to ultimately succeed ?  Or would it be smarter to set up plays that utilize Tyrods skill set and what he does/ can do well? Dennison may be better at designing plays than he gets credit for, but he appears to lack the versatility and creativity of making an offense work WITH Taylor as the QB. That is the difference between the Roman/ Lynn offense and Dennison's. 



This! Is the problem with Dennison. He does not seem to be able to adapt to what he has. Force the system, or change the system (plays) to best utilize what you have? Chan was the master at that.

Edited by CSBill
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10 hours ago, Steptide said:

Tommorow is gonna be a bloodbath

You kiddin? Masochism at its best on Bills Sunday.

10 hours ago, BadLandsMeanie said:

I think Lynnn did ok with him.


But what Lynn did, and I said it then, was nearly impossible.  NOBODY comes in after an OC was fired and just turns it around that same season. At least as far as I know, that is extremely rare.


And now Lynn has what appears to be an offensive juggernaut running on the Chargers.


I wish we coulda kept him somehow.


Nice work on the OP.


Also was a fan of Lynn calling plays taylored to our rosters strengths vs what Dennison has been doing this season. Our offense was exciting for the last 2 years. This year not so much.

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11 hours ago, Theshallowcross said:

Few things here and not to take anything away from your hard work but clarification is necessary. 


1.) This is a concept called an RPO or run/pass option. When the play is called in it is a run play with a built in pass option. Zone read/slant flat combo. It is a play straight out of the Anthony Lynn playbook so giving Dennison credit for the design is false. Where I give Dennison credit is not letting his ego get in the way of success and calling a concept that was out of the norm for him and his system. 


2.) It was in fact Incognitos inability to sustain a block against the DT (not LBer like you say above) that causes this play to not hit for a big gain to Thompson. The DT pushes Incognito into the passing window and just makes a good play by getting his hand up and knocking the ball down. 


With that said, it's obvious that this play isn't practiced enough because it's clearly a new wrinkle in Dennisons offense. I like Taylor as the QB of this team but he missed an opportunity to just hand the ball to Cadet for a big gain on the zone read. Regardless, the slant to Thompson was open if the DT doesn't create that interior pressure as quickly as he did. 


The good news is that the RPO concepts that I have been begging for are now being incorporated into the offense. With another week of practice behind them I look for the Bills to continue to adding them to the game plan on Sundays. 

Hey thanks no worries. I am here to learn! So thanks for teaching me some stuff.


I you tune in next year when I get the all 22 back.


I will say that for me it sure didn't look like Richie got owned. But, I am biased I did not expect that he could be owned by one guy. So maybe I just saw what i expected instead of what really happened.



10 hours ago, Rubes said:

Nicely done. I think these examples are a great illustration of why constantly changing offensive coordinators can leave an offense spinning its wheels. Several seasons with the same coordinator can provide the necessary repetition and practice to reduce the number of errors or blown assignments.



3 hours ago, CSBill said:


This! Is the problem with Dennison. He does not seem to be able to adapt to what he has. Force the system, or change the system (plays) to best utilize what you have? Chan was the master at that.


3 hours ago, NewEra said:

Love your breakdowns BLM. Very cool perspective.??


2 hours ago, Marty McFly said:

You kiddin? Masochism at its best on Bills Sunday.


Nice work on the OP.


Also was a fan of Lynn calling plays taylored to our rosters strengths vs what Dennison has been doing this season. Our offense was exciting for the last 2 years. This year not so much.

To Rubes, CSB and Marty,


I agree entirely in principle. And one of my pet peeves with the Bills is they always tended to make the excuse that they needed the right players. But they never had the right players, because they always changed coaches and schemes. 


But gosh the other side of me is winning my mental battle right now. It says that the way to play to Tyrod's strengths  always boils down to to featuring the running game. 


I want to see him pass. I would like then to design whatever they have to, to tailor it as best they can, to allow Tyrod to throw frequently.


And then if he can't, we need to just accept that a quarterback has to be able to throw successfully when the other team is expecting him to throw.

I hope that makes sense.


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