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Steelers too scared to trade MB to Bills


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The Bills have a culture now.....you either need to reform your diva tendencies (see Shady) or you don't belong. It may seem crazy but...


Deonte Thompson >>> TY Hilton or Martavis Bryant in the Bills leadership eyes

Cedric Thornton >>> Marcel Dareus in the Bills leadership eyes


Individual talent in football is important. It allows coaches to scheme to a player's strengths...but more than any other sport -- football demands teamwork and executing assignments. When Dareus was around and playing well, Preston Brown could read and watch for cutbacks because he knew Marcel would clog the middle like an all-pro. Now he likely has to sell out to fill a hole and the strong safety needs to be the cut back watch. Small example.


The Bills are willing to sacrifice some unique talents for players who execute assignments that are within their talents. Its a shitload better than guys not knowing where to line up and relying too much on a unique skill to make plays like they did under Rex.


Wait until the draft...I predict this board is going to blow up with anger at some of the selections made....but the Bills will end up with a lot of T. White type players.

Edited by JoeF
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Steelers' fan friend of mine made a good point about MB this morning to me. The Steelers are still feeling burned by dumping LeGarrett Blount for drugs-- he promptly signed with the Pats and helped them win a Super Bowl. I think they are content letting MB rot on the bench, rather than sending him to a competitor and getting burned again.


exactly. They are not going to reward malcontents anymore.

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