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OT: A little help

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Hey, it's Brad Riter from WGR.


I just posted a new "mailbag" on our website and, since there are so many amusing posts here daily, I thought maybe you could help me with this.




Here's the part of the article I want help with.




Richard writes: I’m glad I don’t have to listen to your sarcastic, holier than thou

attitude every morning. You think you are the be all, end all sports authority. HA!!!!!!!!!!! You are a spoiled punk and a jerk on top of it.


The fact that you have to talk about super hero abilities on sports talk radio

speaks volumes. All you have is an attitude. You were probably a nothing but

a bully in your grade school days.


Here’s an idea for your fan poll...let the listeners vote on who among you has

a clue about sports. (PS Be sure not to include your name on the list.) I am

sick of your smugness. The most casual of listeners has more to bring to the

table than you will ever have. Your smug attitude of self importance makes me want to puke.


I don’t know where to begin. It’s almost like this guy doesn’t enjoy my show.


Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll open this up to others. We’ll do a little role playing here. Often, I ask listeners to “put yourself in Tom Donahoe’s shoes.” Not this time.


Put yourself in my shoes. Respond to this e-mail as if you were me, send it to brad@wgr550.com with the subject line “Dear Richard” and I’ll replace this reply with the best submission(s.)


This will be fun.




Ignore it if you'd like, but this could be fun. If you want to write in to rip me, go ahead. I can take it.


Thanks for your time.

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You encourage smack from people who are boderline droolers  ?  What does that say about the audience you attract ?  :devil:



Especially since most of the droolers here are out of the Arbitron ratings area of WNY?


Besides, janitors in Buffalo don't know how to use computers to respond to emails.

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You encourage smack from people who are boderline droolers  ?  What does that say about the audience you attract ?  :devil:



Not sure where boderline is. Can you please explain? Does this have anything to do with stock picks? :angry:

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Hey Brad...long time listener, first time caller here. We would be very pleased to offer up a good butt-reaming of the guy who sent you that email, but you should know many of us are out of practice with this sort of thing. It's the kindler, gentler TSW, and we don't rip on morons anymore. We ignore them.


On the other hand, you seem to have a challenge on your hands, so I've struggled to dip into my clever retorts memory bank to at least give you some options. Remember, it's been a while, so be patient.


(1) "I know you are, but what am I?"


(2) "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you."


(3)"Your mother."


(4) "Up your nose with a rubber hose."


(5) "If you'd have just shut your piehole and not created so many boasting threads, then maybe your team would have not been swept in the World Series."


(6) "LMAO At You, Assclown, and your pathetic attempt at even remotely understanding the concept of radio."


(7) "Why do you even listen to this station, you Pathetic Teem Swapping Whore?"


(8) "Am I the only one who doesn't give a crap about how you feel about nice, fat people?"


Anyway, those are the ones that come to mind. Like I said...it's been a while. Maybe others here can remember some of the oldies but goodies.

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You ignorant slut......


I don't recall being a bully while I was in gradeschool, However, I'm sure you cowered and gave up your lunch money to even the most feeble of foes.


Perhaps you should follow up on those GED courses and make a life for yourself rather than attempting to battle with someone with far superior talent and command of facilities like myself.


A mind is a terrible thing to waste, shame on you.



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