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God Bless Sully


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Sully, his lousy drafts, poor coaching, and lousy FO operations really have set the Bills back a few years! And this team has not been to the playoffs since 1999, come on Sully!


Sully is a talented guy but he doesn't even remotely write the truth. And he knows it.


Not saying Roman deserved to be fired but I'm also not saying he didn't deserve to be fired. Sounds like the Pegula's did their due diligence by interviewing players one-on-one. And it sounds like the players on offense weren't thrilled with how they were being coached. Therefore the Pegula's were fully on board with Rex's decision as they should have been.


You can be against this move all you want but it was obvious that Roman's offense had many flaws (Sammy not being involved enough, for one). And it regressed horribly from last year in the first two games. Not to mention Roman's play-calling was a huge weakness. The wasted timeout and 4th and inches play call midway through the 4th quarter was a fireable offense in and of itself. Add in the fact that the players preferred a change in direction on that side of the ball and I'm fully on board with the move.


And if it doesn't work out then the entire staff will be let go at the end of the season anyway.


I seriously can't see why anyone would be upset by this.



Been dead-on about what? "We suck?" Gee, that's tough...considering we've sucked for ALL of this MILLENNIUM so far.


Sully's not a reporter. He writes opinion pieces. He's not "right' or "wrong" about much of anything, since he doesn't relate facts. Only rants.

Try therapy!

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