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If you like your DR, name your DR

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Ok, I think we can all agree that both candidates are bad. At least most of us can.


Personally I never thought I'd see GG practically need lotion and kleenex to talk about Hillary or Greggy wanting the Dem crushed. I think the weakness of their typical party's candidate has driven them to unforeseen ends. For this thread, we should give them a pass.


In this thread I'm curious to see what traditional Dem/Rep candidates you think would make for the best and most substantive debates if they won their party's nomination.




1. It does not need to be a candidate that actually ran, but it can be.

2. It has to be a clearly known member of each party ....so no "rent is too damn high" types

3. The idea is the best debates to contrast the core principles of each party as you see them. You don't even have to like one of the candidates, but you have to think they articulate a vision.

4. A debate that you think would benefit overall dialogue. Focus on the debate, not whether you think the debater would or wouldn't be a good candidate/president.

5. Debaters have to be alive so no RR vs. FDR.


I thought of a few people from each party before settling on my choices. There are certainly candidates that would articulate different philosophies. Rand Paul and Paul Ryan are an example of that. Although I could see picking either, they do have different visions. Same goes for some Dems like Obama or Webb.


Here's mine. Feel free to hide yours behind a spoiler too.



I think Andrew Cuomo vs. Ted Cruz would be great. Although I think Cruz was drawn in by Trump and got off message, I think against Cuomo there wouldn't be so much of this. I don't know tons about him but from what I have seen he is liberal, smart, articulate and reasonably polite. I'm from the midwest but even with the accent, when I've seen Cuomo on TV, he is understandable. Cruz is certainly bright and articulate and conservative. I think them going at it for 3 hours with a reasonable set of questions and moderators would be beneficial.


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I'd have liked to see a Bernie vs. Cruz election.


Truly polar opposites.



I get what you're saying but do you really think Bernie articulates well?

I'll go with Paul Ryan vs Elizabeth Warren. Both are articulate, and are solid representatives of their parties' fundamental values.



I think that would be interesting.

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