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OH WOW! I got NAILED with a puck today!


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My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work... Well today, my first game with my new division. I took a nice puck right in the you know whats :w00t: !


They took my over to the Med clinic and they said I will ##%^% blood for a couple of days and they will look like im luggin around 2 baseballs.


Anyone ever get hit like this? How long am I down for? I felt like somebody hit me in the gut with a bat :P !

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Yikes. Were you wearing a cup?


Never took a shot in the nuts, but I have taken one in that spot just below the shinguard and just above the top of your foot. Christ that hurts. But that's nothing compared to THIS!

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My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work...  Well today, my first game with my new division.  I took a nice puck right in the you know whats :w00t:


They took my over to the Med clinic and they said I will ##%^% blood for a couple of days and they will look like im luggin around 2 baseballs.


Anyone ever get hit like this?  How long am I down for?  I felt like somebody hit me in the gut with a bat :P !


Wear a cup! If there is no "damage" it will be about 2-3 days of discomfort. If it caused a hernia, you are looking at some surgery. But I assume the doctors ruled out the hernia.

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My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work...  Well today, my first game with my new division.  I took a nice puck right in the you know whats :w00t:


They took my over to the Med clinic and they said I will ##%^% blood for a couple of days and they will look like im luggin around 2 baseballs.


Anyone ever get hit like this?  How long am I down for?  I felt like somebody hit me in the gut with a bat :P !



How in the world are you at work right now?


I was playing tennis once and got hit square in the jewels. That pain is like nothing I've ever felt (and I've got hit in the nuts before, that pain is awful every time). But that time, I thought I was gonna vomit, mixed with intense paid, and a gut ache like no other.


Anyway, there was no swelling or blood and that hurt. I could just imagine what you are going through!

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My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work...  Well today, my first game with my new division.  I took a nice puck right in the you know whats :w00t:


They took my over to the Med clinic and they said I will ##%^% blood for a couple of days and they will look like im luggin around 2 baseballs.


Anyone ever get hit like this?  How long am I down for?  I felt like somebody hit me in the gut with a bat :P !


Walk it off (kidding).


Damn, that sucks. Get well.

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I once took a puck to the mouth, while going after an opponent. He was taking a shot and i stuck my stick in front of his to deflect the shot over the boards. Well , need less to say, the biscuit went up the shaft of my stick and into my mouth. Broke my 2 front chicklets in half and split my lip wide open. As for pain, after the intial hit my mouth went kind of numb. And no, I had no cage,,, only pussies wear cages.... :w00t:

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i have had a few blackened puck-shaped bruises in the thigh area directly below the jewels, but never took a hard shot directly to them. i feel for you man.


the good news is you'll almost definitely be ok if you were wearing a cup. an ice bag to the jewels will help a lot,if you can stand it. 10 minutes, 3-4 times a day.

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My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work... Well today, my first game with my new division. I took a nice puck right in the you know whats


My first question is how do you get out of going to work to play hockey?


I've been hit in the nuts twice in the past year while playing hockey, but I was wearing a cup. I rolled around on the ice for awhile but was able to skate it off. It still gave me that sick in the stomach feeling for a day. There's nothing funnier than seeing another guy gets hit in the nuts.


My advice to you is plenty of ice on your nuts and in your whiskey for the next couple of days.

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My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work...  Well today, my first game with my new division.  I took a nice puck right in the you know whats :P


They took my over to the Med clinic and they said I will ##%^% blood for a couple of days and they will look like im luggin around 2 baseballs.


Anyone ever get hit like this?  How long am I down for?  I felt like somebody hit me in the gut with a bat :w00t: !




kitty. I'd have finished the game. :w00t:
















jk, good luck :w00t:

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Our taxpayer dollars hard at work.



Yeah, several of us here play basketball every tuesday and thursday (the owner had a court built in a side parking lot). But we are here by 6:30am to play, and all get to work on time... his line of "My new division always plays a Friday morning hockey game insted of going into work" is funny.

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Military units are effective only if they have a common bond. Taking off from the shop a couple of hours every week for team building greatly assists that. Also, the military has a fitness requirement so things like this ARE part of the job.


I know most of you guys are kidding but military people regularly work SIGNIFICANTLY more hours for lower pay than their civilian counterparts.

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There's nothing funnier than seeing another guy gets hit in the nuts. 



...and nothing less funny than being the guy that took the hit.


How many seasons has America's Funniest Home videos thrived on cute kids/animals and guys getting hit in the nuts?

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