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Giants TE Daniel Fells Doing Better With MRSA Infection

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Alexander Fleming is credited for the discovery of penicillin as a treatment for infections. His money supply ran out before he could amass progress much beyond the discovery itself. Around 1936, the British, realizing there was a war likely approaching with Germany, set out to find ways to combat infection on the battlefield. Prior to WWII, virtually all conflicts had more deaths from disease than actual combat wounds. They came upon Fleming's work and by 1941 tested it on a bobby (policeman) who was in a terminal wing of an English hospital suffering from an out of control infection in his face. The bobby improved significantly and appeared to be making a full recovery when they ran out of the antibiotic. The bobby passed away from the infection. It was the first indication that they were going to need a lot of it. Mass production began in Britain, France, and the US where the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer got its start manufacturing the drug.


The days before the advent of antibiotics were wrought with tragedy. George Gipp of Notre Dame fame and the movie, "Knute Rockne All American," where Gipp was famously portrayed by Ronald Reagan, died in 1920 of complications from strep throat. My mother contracted pneumonia at age 8 in 1929. Doctors made house calls in those days. He came over and held her hand having no recourse to fight the illness. She survived.


I sure hope Fells makes out well.

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"Giants tight end Daniel Fells’s MRSA infection is so serious that he could have to have his foot amputated.


The infection could turn out to be career-ending."


Someone needs an editor.


Anyway, pretty unusual even for MRSA, which is treatable. He need to be in the hyperbaric chamber.


and some Colloidal Silver, that kills bugs way better than antibiotics

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I guessed. Based on the timing of what was reported at the time.


I just have witch doctors exorcise the evil spirits, myself.

Very funny...unfortunately for your theory, in clinical trials Oil of Oregano outperforms every anti-biotic ever created.





Edited by matter2003
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Very funny...unfortunately for your theory, in clinical trials Oil of Oregano outperforms every anti-biotic ever created.





And here I thought you were joking.


MRSA is nasty. It lives on the skin, but can be introduced into the body through breaks in the skin, whether intentional (surgery or injections) or unintentional. It causes all kinds of infections depending on where it is, pneumonia being a particularly nasty one.


Although there are a few antiobiotics that can treat it, the problem in some cases is when it gets into deep tissues such as bone, where antibiotics have a hard time reaching it in adequate concentrations. That is why in many cases the only way to definitively get rid of it is to remove the infected tissue. I hope that isn't the case for this guy.

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