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bills game day traffic needs to change.


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Nosaint I had a friend back in the 70's named Fred Metzger. He worked was a sub who filled in for guys when they took a fifth or 6th week off in the summer. He once told me we were like brothers. Then the superintendent came along and happened to like to play pitch. Fred liked to play pitch. Guess who got a 7th week off in the summer ? Fred son of a B word


You are a fair weather friend. The fact that Buffalo joe agreed with me is a feather in my cap because he actually respects the service I provided to this country. You might as well climb on a tank and put a blanket of flowers over the gun terrets.


<BLOCK **Nosaint**>

ricojes Shirl likes her weiner black and Louies doesn't get them dark enough. I can't very well take Shirl to a place that doesn't make her happy. Teds is the only place for us. Move your &#33;@#&#036;ing Ford Edge over and let us through. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I'm asking for a 30 minute window between 11:30-12pm. Not much to ask for a guy that basically built this city and provided for the lifestyles you now enjoy.

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Nosaint I had a friend back in the 70's named Fred Metzger. He worked was a sub who filled in for guys when they took a fifth or 6th week off in the summer. He once told me we were like brothers. Then the superintendent came along and happened to like to play pitch. Fred liked to play pitch. Guess who got a 7th week off in the summer ? Fred son of a B word


You are a fair weather friend. The fact that Buffalo joe agreed with me is a feather in my cap because he actually respects the service I provided to this country. You might as well climb on a tank and put a blanket of flowers over the gun terrets.


<BLOCK **Nosaint**>

ricojes Shirl likes her weiner black and Louies doesn't get them dark enough. I can't very well take Shirl to a place that doesn't make her happy. Teds is the only place for us. Move your !@#$ing Ford Edge over and let us through. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I'm asking for a 30 minute window between 11:30-12pm. Not much to ask for a guy that basically built this city and provided for the lifestyles you now enjoy.

See, now people are just being unreasonable. The game starts at One. Meaning all the tailgaters who get there early are uneffected. The rest, still have an hour to kickoff after Howard and Shirl make it to Ted's. He knows not everybody going to the game will listen, but at TBD we take care of our own. So if just TBDers could chip in, that'd help.


And to whoever suggested Louie's, now you're thinking Howard is just senile. I mean, yeah he's got some trouble learning a computer, which you're getting better Howard. But if game traffic is bad near Ted's, Louie's is a block from the stadium. That's gonna be a mess. Rude.

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You guys don't have to this. I've told Howard a million times that we can go to Pete N Paul's on South Park. He's just a big baby.

And dot let Howard fool you, he wasn't in the Service!!! He was a mailman. Most of the time he worked on the office after his accident in the 70s.

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You guys don't have to this. I've told Howard a million times that we can go to Pete N Paul's on South Park. He's just a big baby.

And dot let Howard fool you, he wasn't in the Service!!! He was a mailman. Most of the time he worked on the office after his accident in the 70s.

Did he get a purple heart for his bravery?

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