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No Smoking Gun - per Robert Kraft

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I read on nfl.com today that Roger doesnt need the investigation to be done by draft.


WTF. Why is this taking so long. This could have been solved in a day. Not even exxagerating. Interviewing everyone would take one freaking day.


Big ass cover up. Guilty and does not want to have to take away picks or what????


Eff Goodell man. I hate this stupid guy.

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I read on nfl.com today that Roger doesnt need the investigation to be done by draft.


WTF. Why is this taking so long. This could have been solved in a day. Not even exxagerating. Interviewing everyone would take one freaking day.


Big ass cover up. Guilty and does not want to have to take away picks or what????


Eff Goodell man. I hate this stupid guy.

if he waits until after the draft then he" won't be able" to take a 2015 pick away

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Some people responded with more than many dozens of responses proclaiming conclusive evidence of deliberate cheating in this over-hyped scandel. Their fanatical reflexive responses will shortly be proven baseless. That will not stop them from continuing their slanderous crusade based on their jealousy of another's success.


I have no doubt that those fanatics who have been proven wrong do not have the capacity to admit that they were wrong on this fraudulent issue. When this issue arose Alphadog gave the most reasonable and mature response to this topic. He was lambasted for his reasonableness and sense of fairness. He is owed an apology for the juvenile and harsh responsives he received by those who made assumptions based on their prejudices.


The way to success is to work hard and build your own successful legacy. Tearing down what others have accomplished gets you nowhere other than demonstrates how small you are.

Haters hate, lovers procreate, it's part of life. This is beyond haters hating. This is a lot of fans getting sick of the Patriots playing "lets see how far we can push the rules" at the most critical time of the season, full well knowing that pushing the boundries this time of year is actually worth the risk, as the league can't dish out a proper punishment (they certainly wouldn't disqualify a team for example) during a playoff run or the Super Bowl itself. In a game of inches do these indiscretions make a difference? I would think so. Excellent team, well coached, but by my account, at least one less ring if the played by the same standards the rest of the league does. Let us not also forget, the only thing being discussed is when they have been caught red handed. You really think the league has caught every other indiscretion over the years? It's more logical to assume they haven't then they have.

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Haters hate, lovers procreate, it's part of life. This is beyond haters hating. This is a lot of fans getting sick of the Patriots playing "lets see how far we can push the rules" at the most critical time of the season, full well knowing that pushing the boundries this time of year is actually worth the risk, as the league can't dish out a proper punishment (they certainly wouldn't disqualify a team for example) during a playoff run or the Super Bowl itself. In a game of inches do these indiscretions make a difference? I would think so. Excellent team, well coached, but by my account, at least one less ring if the played by the same standards the rest of the league does. Let us not also forget, the only thing being discussed is when they have been caught red handed. You really think the league has caught every other indiscretion over the years? It's more logical to assume they haven't then they have.

Exactly this is not like people/fans/teams or anybody thinking the balls were deflated.

They were deflated.


I hated the tuck rule. But that bs goes on the NFL.

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