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Bandwagon Fans


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I've followed the bills since I was 5 or 6 years old. Several of the players back then used to come speak at my parent's church. I thought it was pretty cool that these mostly famous people would come and speak to us kids.


And much to the detriment of my stomach lining, I've been a fan of the team ever since.



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I'm a High School teacher and I talked to a lot of my students about the Superbowl today.  (They are well aware of the fact that I am a football nut).  When I asked who a person was rooting for, if they said Patriots... I asked two simple questions.  "Why?"


Then I asked a question, "Name two players on the Patriots."


Do you know that nobody could answer both questions?  The answer to "why" was "They're cool" or "They win" or "Their quarterback is hott (yuck)" or "I like them."


Never a good answer like, I was born there, or my parents follow them, or I've liked them for a while, or I like any particular player."  No, all stupid answers.


The second question, "naming players"... most students could barely remember Brady, and that's it.


My point, I hate these New Englander bandwagon fans.  So fickle.  I remember bandwagon fans during the Bills Superbowl runs, but they were gone the day after the Superbowl.  The true fans came out when the team loses.  New England doesn't lose, so true fans can't show their colors. 


I even have to wonder how many of the people on this board, (who claim to be Pasty fans) are truly fans.


I had a friend in college, who truly loved the Patriots.  He was a true fan, liked them when they sucked, liked them when they won.  I haven't been in contact with him, but a part of me (please know it is very small) is happy for him.  He is a true fan!


How many of these posters... really are???


My question:  If YOU (reading this now) are a New England fan.  WHY?  Give me a legit reason.  If you are NOT a New England fan, tell me why you support the Bills or whatever team you like.


"Personally, I love the Bills because I grew up in Buffalo, went to see Jerry Butler speak when very young at some church.  I wanted to be a football player just like him.  I always idolized Jim Kelly, and cried when he could never win the big one.  I moved from Buffalo, but my love for the Bills remained.  I say those are legit reasons. 


Now it's your turn.  Let's see some posts here.  (Especially you New England fans)


I can honestly say that I am a true Buffalo Bills fan! Growing up in a small town about 1 hour away from Ottawa, Canada all we had as kids is hockey and more hockey to watch on t.v. Well I never played hockey, and quite frankly never liked it much. I remember one fateful Sunday turning the channel and seeing a young Daryll Talley just crush some running back in the backfield and from that moment on I was hooked! The sights and sounds of the game, the speed at which it was played had me mesmerized and continue to do so for some nearly 20 years. I'm at a point now where I watch each and every Bills televised game, I also tape them all so I can watch them in the dreaded offseason. If I have to work, I get my wife to tape them for me and she even tapes out the commercials for me! She understands that this is not just a casual interest that I have for Bills football but an outright twisted sickness!! The only cure for this ailment that I have self-inflicted upon myself is ...... A Bill's Super Bowl Championship! Then maybe, just maybe... I'll be able to lead a normal productive life!! Ha! Ha! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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I'm a High School teacher and I talked to a lot of my students about the Superbowl today.  (They are well aware of the fact that I am a football nut).  When I asked who a person was rooting for, if they said Patriots... I asked two simple questions.  "Why?" & then I asked a question, "Name two players on the Patriots."


My point, I hate these New Englander bandwagon fans.   (Especially you New England fans)



You asked some high school kids who they rooted for between the 2 teams in the Superbowl. How are they bandwagon fans if they rooted for the Pats?


So when you watch other NFL games do you just watch them objectively, not rooting for one side or the other?


I don't follow Rugby at all but one of my good friends is English and is a HUGE fan. I have watched 3 games with him over the past couple of years, and when I do I root for his team. I can't name I player in the entire friggin sport. Am I a bandwagon guy? I never realized........

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That doesn't mean you have to try and look like the Buddha.




You know, I really would like to see some of you guy's photos and since what kind of great shape you all are in...but I don't think that will happen anytime soon... :w00t:

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You know, I really would like to see some of you guy's photos and since what kind of great shape you all are in...but I don't think that will happen anytime soon... :w00t:


I liked your other response in the same spirit of the old joke "I may be fat, but you're ugly, and tomorrow I can go on a diet."


The truth is, I don't care how heavy you are. At any size, dude, you're still a team-swapping whore.

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I went to Philly this weeekend to see what it would be like in a real football town, and let me tell you I was not that impressed. My good friend is a die hard philly fan, and could name the whole roster. I am a bills fan first and foremost and I can still name 30 players on the philly team. Some of these kids in philly couldnt get passed mcnabb, t.o., and brian dawkins.


When i have kids which is still a couple years down the line, I will raise them as bills fans no matter where I live.

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I went to Philly this weeekend to see what it would be like in a real football town, and let me tell you I was not that impressed. My good friend is a die hard philly fan, and could name the whole roster. I am a bills fan first and foremost and I can still name 30 players on the philly team. Some of these kids in philly couldnt get passed mcnabb, t.o., and brian dawkins.


When i have kids which is still a couple years down the line, I will raise them as bills fans no matter where I live.



I kind of have a funny story about an Eagle fan I ran into at Wal Mart probably a half hour after the Super Bowl.


Now keep in mind this is Indiana and I'm one of maybe 3 Bills fans in my area and probably the only real serious one. Anyways, I'm walking through Wal Mart and I kind of glanced down the magazine aisle and out of the corner of my eye I see this guy with an Eagles bandana and an OLD Eagles shirt. He was probably in his late 20's, so I did a double take as I walked past and then went back and said something to him. He said it made him just want to cry. He looked at my Bills shirt and said "You know the feeling huh?" I told him I knew the feeling all too well and we got to talking about how winning the conference doesn't mean a thing once you lose the Super Bowl. I told him he would feel better and that Philly would be back next year and I went on my way.


It was just so funny to find an Eagles fan right after they lost who was obviously a real fan and to see the pain on his face. He looked so out of it. I felt bad for him because I know how it feels.

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I grew up in Iowa, and the Green Bay Packers was my team in the 50's. I was on the bandwagon before Lombardi. When I moved to the Boston area in the early 60's, I adopted the Patriots, with Babe Parilli, as all good Packer fans hated the Giants. Early in the 70's, I was excercising with a spring loaded excerciser while watching the Patriots, who had a 24 point lead over the Dolphins at the half, lose on a final drive touchdown. I jumped, the excerciser flew into the ceiling, and the plaster ceiling came down. I said to myself, "They are making $200,000 per year, they don't care about me, and now I have to replaster a ceiling because I gave a sh--."


I didn't follow another pro team until Flutie, who I had followed from his freshman year at BC, came to the Bills. I was now living in Western Mass, and got Bills games instead of Patriot games. I became a Bills fan because of Flutie, and because the Bills had the only fan forums which showed intelligence. I now have a divided loyalty, because we had to move back to the Boston area when my wife became disabled, and because Tom Brady and I share the same Great Grandfather on my mother's side. But I still try to follow the Bills, and was po'd at the result of the Bills/Patriots games this year.


Don't take it too seriously, it is still just a business to the NFL, even though it seems like war to us.

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Born In Albion in 1965, and grew up watching OJ tear up the league. i remember when he had the 2003 yds in '73 quite well. I checked his book out of the Library and was quite taken with the game of football. i wanted him to pass Jim Brown's record and be the NFL's all time best RB...Alas, how his life has turned....


I too luved the Bills when they were 2-14. The 2 wins were Dallas and Miami I think. I thought it was a good year :w00t:


I cried 4 years in a row, same as everyone else

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