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What to do at QB in 2005


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As much as I admire Drew as a great human being, leader and quality person, I also believe we should move forward with our team's development. The biggest problem I see is that we have two QB's whose styles differ. An offensive system that is put in for Drew's strengths does not incorporate any rollout type passing game, moving pocket scenarios or factor in any type of orchestrated QB draws. If Drew stays and starts and the need to change QB's comes up in 2005, it will be another lost season because the whole offense cannot be changed to accomodate a mobile QB.


With this being said, I also feel that starting a 2nd year QB with limited experience may also cost us another year of no-playoffs. What I suggest is having your starter and back-up both being able to play in the same style of offense, meaning trade Drew if possible and finding an experienced mobile QB to compete with JP in training camp.


Here are the names of some QB's who will/might be available to the Bills in 2005:


Matt Hasselback - Seattle potential F/A who can move and would be a good fit in Buffalo


Jeff Garcia - Cleveland will probably let him go, however I think he may be a poor locker room fit.


Jay Fiedler - Miami - Good character guy with limited skills, might make excellent back-up and can win a game or two in a pinch


Steve McNair - Tennessee - Great leader and high character guy with a huge contract which I'm sure the Bills can't afford, however with the Titans ready to move forward with Volek and with cap problems, he might be let go as a cost cutting move.


Rich Gannon - Oakland - Excellent leader with mobility who will be let go this off-season. Cn start for at least one more year, would be a great tutor for JP and his skills would blend perfectly with a team that has a great running game and a solid defense. Downside is that he is injury prone and would not be available for the whole season.


Aaron Brooks - New Orleans - If the Saints feel that he will never lead them to the playoffs, they may jettison him and start over with a new QB. Brooks has obvious great upside but makes tons of mistakes. This may be more bad coaching and could be coached up and be very productive.


Any of these moves would provide the Bills a QB who could start immediatly, back-up well and tutor JP and be a QB with a similar style so the offense could be structured for eitehr QB.


Questions, comments or feedback?

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From your list, I don't think Hasselback, McNair, and possibly Brooks would come here unless they were pretty much guaranteed to be starting. Fiedler would be a better back-up than Bledsoe, but I don't want any Felons' cast-offs. If they didn't break the bank, I would be comfortable with either Gannon or Garcia... but I don't think they would come cheap.

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Here are my takes:



Matt Hasselback - Seattle potential F/A who can move and would be a good fit in Buffalo



There is something about Hasselback that does not sit well with me. When he is facing bad times, the faces he makes and his body language are bad, and I bet that rubs off on his teammates. Id pass.



Jeff Garcia - Cleveland will probably let him go, however I think he may be a poor locker room fit.


I thought at one time Garcia would make sense, but the Bills should only consider Garcia if the price was right, and that is even a stretch.


Jay Fiedler - Miami - Good character guy with limited skills, might make excellent back-up and can win a game or two in a pinch



As a backup, possibly, but it would not thrill me if he was the backup QB, might want a little too much $ to serve a backup, will have aspirations to start. Pass.



Steve McNair - Tennessee - Great leader and high character guy with a huge contract which I'm sure the Bills can't afford, however with the Titans ready to move forward with Volek and with cap problems, he might be let go as a cost cutting move.


I dont know if I would even see McNair coming to Buffalo. He is so injury-prone and if you sign him, what does that say about Losman? Id pass.



Rich Gannon - Oakland - Excellent leader with mobility who will be let go this off-season. Cn start for at least one more year, would be a great tutor for JP and his skills would blend perfectly with a team that has a great running game and a solid defense. Downside is that he is injury prone and would not be available for the whole season.


I would be in favor of this move, especially if Bills management feels JP isnt ready. He would be clearly short term and I bet he can still get it done.


Aaron Brooks - New Orleans - If the Saints feel that he will never lead them to the playoffs, they may jettison him and start over with a new QB. Brooks has obvious great upside but makes tons of mistakes. This may be more bad coaching and could be coached up and be very productive.


Id rather start Losman and see what he can do then pay good $ for Brooks and his erratic play. Pass.

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Matt Hasselback - No way Seattle lets him go, and even if they did and we signed him, wouldn't that say JP was a mistake? Hasselback's got alot of good football ahead of him, he's not a short term mentor


Jeff Garcia - Great system QB. Unfortnately not our system


Jay Fiedler - :blink::P:lol:


Steve McNair - 5 years ago i'd have jumped at the idea. But injuries have taken their toll. I'd pass


Rich Gannon - Dude makes RJ look durable and Dick Cheney look young

Aaron Brooks - New Orleans - Je's mobile and got an arm. Therefore he = Mike Vick or Donovan McNabb? He makes way too many mistakes. Put Rich Gannon's brain his body and you'd have a great QB.


Right now I think our best bet is to see if DB will take a paycut and accept a backup role. Otherwise its gonna be Tommy Maddox or Kordell Stewart

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