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I hope the Eagles get squashed


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In the early 90's, Giants fans would tell me for SB's 26-28 "Im rooting for the NFC" and that used to drive me NUTS, how could you root for a team you DESPISE like the Redskins or the Cowboys, because of a conference? WTF is that all about?


Which is why I can NEVER root for a conference, I just root for the team I want to see win more.



For those of us old enough to remember the putdowns of the AFL by the NFL, the thought of the Boston Patriots beating the Philadelphia Eagles brings a smile to my face. I just hope Babe Parilli can outplay Sonny Jurgenson.

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Where exactly in my 1st post did I BASH the Pats?  I just dont like them...do i respect their accomplishments?  Sure, but dont expect me to bend over for them....I hate them, but man they are an amazing team.



Your right, my bad. But some of the others here are kind of transparent. "Blank" the Patriots!...That sounds so weak now with them on the verge of 3 championships in 4 years.

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:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: New England Patriots


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Bill "Genius" Belichick


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Tom "Montana my ass" Brady


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Corey "I don't whine if my team is good" Dillon


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Rodney "Cheap Shot" Harrison


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ALL PATRIOT FANS and the bandwagoners



GO EAGLES!!! ;):rolleyes:

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Your right, my bad. But some of the others here are kind of transparent. "Blank" the Patriots!...That sounds so weak now with them on the verge of 3 championships in 4 years.




Thats true..its like when the Yankees were in the midst of winning 3 WS Championships in a row and id go to Shea for a game and hear "Yankees Suck" Id laugh....just like now if i would say "Red Sox Suck", they dont, they are the WS Champs.


I think this issue with Eagles fans etc has to do with personal experience. Here in Central NJ, its mostly Giants/Jets fans, but there are a good share of Eagles fans as well. A few of my close friends are die hard Eagles fans, and they have all been to Buffalo with me for a game at the Ralph, and loved the experience there, they were impressed with the taligating and the passion that Buffalo shows for their team. They were also by my side rooting hard for the Bills in our Super Bowls. So now its my turn to return the favor.


I have seen a lot of wacky stuff at the Vet over the years, Eagles fans fighting each other too! In 1990 (I was 16 at the time) I attended an Eagles game with my buddy, and I wore my Bruce Smith jersey (in the 700 level, mind you!). It was the dya the Bills hosted the Broncos, so my eyes were glued to the out of town scoreboard! When the Bills scored those 3 TD's in 77 seconds or so, and took the lead, I saw that 21 point change (and this was during a commerical break), I went NUTS, jumping up and down, and I had a pretzel thrown at me!!! Soon after that an Eagles fans run up to me yelling "is that a Giants jersey!?!?!" I said "No, No, Bruce Smith!", and they said "ok thats cool", I was relieved :rolleyes:

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Keep the political BS answers to yourself! :rolleyes:


Your either fer the pats or you're against 'em.  Where do you stand?


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  the pats!



I am against the Iggles.

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Im at Penn state right now. Every weekend for the past month or so, a bunch of a$$es from Philly start the E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! chant (same as the J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS chant). After that, a bunch of chodes from Pittsburh will retort with a "Here we go Steelers, here we go!!". These exchanges take place for 10 minutes or so and escalades into (what feels like) the entire bar yelling back and forth between Steelers. It makes me want to choke on my own vomit.


This other d-bag whom Im office mates is a perfect example of a typical Pats fan. After the pats beat the Steelers, he goes to me: "Man, Im gonna have to get a Dillon jersey now."


Also, after The LOSS against the Steelers (which I was at), he texts messages me with "Its gonna be long, cold winter in Buffalo. " If he was near me I would have slugged him. His girlfried is ugly and he smells like tacos so I was the bigger person and didnt even give him the pleasure of a retort.


To sum up, both teams piss me off.

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I am not rooting for the Pats, but rooting against the Iggles.  :rolleyes:



As the quote goes, my favorite team is the Bills. My second favorite team is whoever plays the Patriots.


If you are a Bills fan and want the Patriots to win, I have to question either your sanity or your loyalty. Doesn't anyone remember how they crapped on their leaders like Bledsoe and Milloy? May Brady break a leg and Viniateri shank all his kicks. Amen.

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Again, how can any Bills fan root for the Pats? 



i'll tell you how. because of the way they play football. it's a pleasure to watch a team that plays together and executes with that kind of precision. i'll never pull for the pats over the bills, of course -- i want buffalo to beat them senseless. but in a game in which i have no real rooting interest, i have no problem pulling for them to represent the AFC.


as for the fans? i couldn't care less. i don't read the troll crap.

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As the quote goes, my favorite team is the Bills.  My second favorite team is whoever plays the Patriots.


If you are a Bills fan and want the Patriots to win, I have to question either your sanity or your loyalty.  Doesn't anyone remember how they crapped on their leaders like Bledsoe and Milloy?  May Brady break a leg and Viniateri shank all his kicks.  Amen.



So, you root for the fish at least twice a year?

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As the quote goes, my favorite team is the Bills.  My second favorite team is whoever plays the Patriots.


If you are a Bills fan and want the Patriots to win, I have to question either your sanity or your loyalty.  Doesn't anyone remember how they crapped on their leaders like Bledsoe and Milloy?  May Brady break a leg and Viniateri shank all his kicks.  Amen.



Your wrong. That quote has always and forever been "My second favorite team is whoever plays the Dolphins". It was never reserved for the Pats.


You must be a young whipersnapper. ;)


I want the Pats to win for a few reasons:

1. The Eagles team and fans are the most annoying ever

2. I want the AFC to win

3. I want the AFC East to be well represented

4. The players on the Pats are "team players" in an era were everything is me me me. (See TO and Freddie)


BTW, did you know that the Eagles are an NFC team? Where's YOUR loyalty? :rolleyes:

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