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Stephon Gilmore

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Dude give it a rest. Nothing I said could be interpreted to mean that Gilmore is loafing. You're asking a question you already know the answer to then arguing the point. That is not attempting to have a "decent conversation."


i could care less about discussing Gilmore's performance with you as you have made it clear you do not want to have a "decent conversation". You don't like Gilmore's play in preseason and you think it will be exploited in the regular season; Fair point. We will see come the regular season.


Good Day to you, Sir.


Good day to you as well. Go Bills!

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You likened Gilmore to Watkins. I was trying to delve deeper into your theory. I wanted to understand what you meant. I will say though. Training Camp superstars dont impress me. We have Hogan and others that look so good in camp that they wont see the field or for that matter even make the team. I like to watch the one handed catches and the ill double moves, but its not ever going to amount to anything unless its on Sundays. Thats when he will be out of this world impressive. Sammy has 3 catches in preseason, so what has he REALLY done so far. Wait until EJ and he do get into sync. Its going to be ugly. Especially with Wood and Mike Williams. So basically this is a long way of me saying that I have no arguement defending Sammy yet, when he hasnt done anything worth talking about to build a credible arguement

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I mean your argument that sure, Sammy Watkins may be incredibly talented but if EJ can't get him the ball then what good does he do us, is true but what did you want them to do? I mean, in today's NFL (I know, kind of cliché), is there a position that does make a team better if the QB can't play? You mentioned standing pat and taking a tackle at 9. OK let's say we have the best OL in football. What does that translate to? EJ having one extra half second to make a decision and get rid of the ball? It's still on him. Who is the consensus best RB and WR in football and what have their respective teams done lately? Exactly. They were both top ten picks too. You think their GM's still wouldn't have taken them? Come on Bill. You mentioned Kujo- a) it's still early, b) he was by every indication a great value in the second round and, much like Cordy Glenn, a consensus pick at the time (as opposed to recent "cute" picks like Whitner, Troup, Graham, et al.) and c) if you're going by early payoffs, if the Bills took Seantrel Henderson at 9, wouldn't everyone on this board be saying that they made a great pick and found themselves a guy who is going to start for them for ten years? If Kujo ends up being a bust, that one is not on the Bills- much like Mike Williams. It was the right pick at the time, period. I realize I'm going on tangents here but yes Bill, I will concede that I was a little surprised when they gave up next year's 1 for Sammy Watkins but the more I thought about it, this franchise needed to make a bold move. They had the guy rated so high that they made a splash to get him and you know what? Yeah I like it. Even if he ends up being a bust- which, again, aint happenin- I am officially on record as saying it was the right move. At the end of the day, Doug Whaley has put together a top 5-10 football team in the NFL in terms of talent other than the QB position. You put Aaron Rodgers or Peyton Manning on this football team and they're 13-3. It's all on EJ now. If it doesn't work you go get Kirk Cousins pronto. And good luck today Jim Kelly!


I understand what you are saying wrt Watkins. And I admit that its hard to justify not wanting the Bills to draft a player who has such obvious talent.

Taking this a step further, I think that EJ, if used and developed properly, does have a chance. Will our coaches be able to groom him into being a top 15 qb? Maybe, but being objective its hard for me to picture. Once again, sorry.


These coaches took 330 pound blockers and a ROOKIE qb, and had them racing up to the line of scrimmage to hand the football to Spiller to gain 2 yards up the middle. Can you justify this? I cannot.

EJ can run. I would like to see him buy some time by rolling out and throwing the football if he sees an open Watkins or my man Woods. If not, let him take off and gain 20 yards.


In any event, if Watkins can win games for the Bills, I will praise him week after week and praise the selection. I have been wrong my share of times. I thought Rob Johnson was a mega-talent and would lead us to victory, ok? :)


As for KUJO again, I watched almost every game of his college career. He played on easily the best OL in the history of college football. I suggest a specific highlight video of the championship game vs. Notre Dame to see who was doing what on that OL (I will look for it when I have time). It's a long one. As much as I like the Bills to draft blockers and DL, he wasn't my choice. Not at all.


And thanks for the dialogue. Its fun talking football with you when you aren't angry. :)

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