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Bills listed as #3 most "likable" franchise

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I was just going to comment on the Saints as someone living in New Orleans. Every year that I have lived here I have liked them a little less. They have went from irrelevant to America's team to smug in a decade. Everyone is decked out head to toe in black and gold on Sundays (men & women) and I mean EVERYONE. The Saints though have become a reason to party (like everything else in NOLA).


The majority of the fanbase adores the Saints but knows VERY little about the rest of the league. I was at a bar during week 17 and Carolina was playing Atlanta, when Carolina scored 1/3 of the bar started going crazy!! They didn't even know that they needed Atlanta to win if they were going to win the division!! Some of the diehards were trying to explain it to them. They have just been told to hate Atlanta so they thought they were doing the right thing. That drives me crazy!! I was originally surprised to see them so low but I am kind of glad.

Ha!Not to go off-topic and I hate to say it but this reminds me of a large chunk of the people in Columbus. Every Friday during the season EVERYONE, man -woman - child-baby - dog - has Buckeye gear on to school, work, whatever. Then they wear it again on Saturday. But the funniest part are all the clueless "fans" who wear it on Fridays during bye weeks too. They have no idea they don't even play that week. Then on gamedays it is just a giant party, a lot of the fans on campus don't even know a dam thing about football or the players or the score. If they lose one game though they act like the coach needs fired. I know if there was a poll about most likable CFB fans, OSU would be near the bottom. I'm one of the non-obnoxious, realistic ones but even I can't stand a big part of the fan base. If you think drunk WGR callers are funny after Bills games, the entitled Buckeye fans after a loss are insufferable. Edited by YoloinOhio
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6. New York Jets – While the Giants fans are bluebloods, the Jets backers are the working class folks who give the Big Apple its swagger. Hanging out with a hard-working guy beats a Wall Street tycoon any day of the week, especially on Sundays.


30. Philadelphia Eagles – This is an organization that has employed Michael Vick and Riley Cooper in recent years; talk about forcing fans to plug their noses when they enter the stadium. And their fan base is rude, crude and socially unacceptable.


Ummm, this guy obviously did not get the memo that Michael Vick is now a Jet. -_-

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6. New York Jets – While the Giants fans are bluebloods, the Jets backers are the working class folks who give the Big Apple its swagger. Hanging out with a hard-working guy beats a Wall Street tycoon any day of the week, especially on Sundays.


30. Philadelphia Eagles – This is an organization that has employed Michael Vick and Riley Cooper in recent years; talk about forcing fans to plug their noses when they enter the stadium. And their fan base is rude, crude and socially unacceptable.


Ummm, this guy obviously did not get the memo that Michael Vick is now a Jet. -_-

The Jets have gotten very little to no flak about signing Vick that I have seen. Funny how a few years changes everything. Although I did see a headline a few weeks back that there was some pushback from SUNY Cortland where they hold TC. Didn't follow the story though.
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6. New York Jets – While the Giants fans are bluebloods, the Jets backers are the working class folks who give the Big Apple its swagger. Hanging out with a hard-working guy beats a Wall Street tycoon any day of the week, especially on Sundays.


30. Philadelphia Eagles – This is an organization that has employed Michael Vick and Riley Cooper in recent years; talk about forcing fans to plug their noses when they enter the stadium. And their fan base is rude, crude and socially unacceptable.


Ummm, this guy obviously did not get the memo that Michael Vick is now a Jet. -_-


The fact that they did it still lingers on.


The number one reason I hate the Ravens is the fact that they stole their team from another city. I'd like to see them mention that for Baltimore, and Tennesee as well.

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