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Top Star Trek Episodes -- Original TV Series

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I don't recall that episode, which doesn't mean I didn't see it. So awful could have erased it from memory.


I am not exaggerating when I say, I have seen every episdoe, minimum, 3 times....many far more than that. There was a time, before I was a full-time cool guy, I could list all 79 original episodes, in the order they aired, or damn near close. My memory has not aged well (wasting it on stupid **** like remembering every episode of Star Trek, in the order it aired!), however, so now, the best I can do is name an episode, I can tell you what season it was from...give me a brief description, I can tell you the name of the episode. If a random episode pops up on tv (they haven't run it in reruns for years, where I am), I can tell you which episode it is, within a few seconds...I still got some of it.


My nerdiness did not extend to the other Trek shows...though I have seen all of Next Generation (enjoyed it a lot), and Deep Space 9 (my favorite, after the original)...I watched Voyarger, out of a sense of obligation, I think...I hated it, and gave up after about 5 seasons...I just didn't care if Janeway and crew ever made it back...it was like watching 5 years of "Spock's Brain" episodes for me. I gave Enterprise a shot, but just couldn't get into it...though I am told it is actually pretty good. For some reason, I have an aversion to the actor Scott Bakula. I just feel like he is going to show up on any given show he is in, dressed as a cheerleader..it is not rational, I know...


I can tell you, the episode in question, "Spock's Brain" was the first episode of the 3rd season...

Edited by Buftex
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I am not exaggerating when I say, I have seen every episdoe, minimum, 3 times....many far more than that. There was a time, before I was a full-time cool guy, I could list all 79 original episodes, in the order they aired, or damn near close. My memory has not aged well (wasting it on stupid **** like remembering every episode of Star Trek, in the order it aired!), however, so now, the best I can do is name an episode, I can tell you what season it was from...give me a brief description, I can tell you the name of the episode. If a random episode pops up on tv (they haven't run it in reruns for years, where I am), I can tell you which episode it is, within a few seconds...I still got some of it.


My nerdiness did not extend to the other Trek shows...though I have seen all of Next Generation (enjoyed it a lot), and Deep Space 9 (my favorite, after the original)...I watched Voyarger, out of a sense of obligation, I think...I hated it, and gave up after about 5 seasons...I just didn't care if Janeway and crew ever made it back...it was like watching 5 years of "Spock's Brain" episodes for me. I gave Enterprise a shot, but just couldn't get into it...though I am told it is actually pretty good. For some reason, I have an aversion to the actor Scott Bakula. I just feel like he is going to show up on any given show he is in, dressed as a cheerleader..it is not rational, I know...


I can tell you, the episode in question, "Spock's Brain" was the first episode of the 3rd season...


I used to know who wrote and directed each episode.


We truly wasted our youth, you and I. :lol:

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I used to know who wrote and directed each episode.


We truly wasted our youth, you and I. :lol:


Don't beat yourself up over it. One summer, I devoted a significant amount of time to figuring out the stardates of each episode, and then trying to figure out what order you would have to watch them (this is pre-VCR, even) to get the true chronology of the Starship Enterprise NCC-1701, to more accurately track their 5 year mission...I had planned on working the (awful) Gold Key comics adventures into the chronology as well....but even I gave up on that...the "stardates" on the original show never seemed to make a lot of sense... wasted summer days, indeed...imagine if I had put that much brain power into something useful! :lol:

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Don't beat yourself up over it. One summer, I devoted a significant amount of time to figuring out the stardates of each episode, and then trying to figure out what order you would have to watch them (this is pre-VCR, even) to get the true chronology of the Starship Enterprise NCC-1701, to more accurately track their 5 year mission...I had planned on working the (awful) Gold Key comics adventures into the chronology as well....but even I gave up on that...the "stardates" on the original show never seemed to make a lot of sense... wasted summer days, indeed...imagine if I had put that much brain power into something useful! :lol:


that's some mighty respectable nerdiness, right there. I tried several times to figure out how in hell the star dates worked, but I eventually just gave up.


I actually went to a Star Trek convention at the Niagara Falls convention center some time around 1976 that featured Gene Roddenberry speaking followed by a blooper reel from the original series & some screen shots from the 1st movie, which was still under production.


I'm curious what other long-time fans think about the reboot movies. I've only seen the first one, and I really wasn't too impressed by it. to me, the crucial element that made the original series worthwhile was the character interaction between Kirk, McCoy, and Spock. despite a decent attempt on the part of the new cast to do the same, they fell short imo.

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I was at that Rodenberry appearance too. I remember my best friends' father took us...he spent most of the time smoking outside. I have seen all the movies, but after the first couple, they are not great...didn't care much for the recent "reboot"...it seemed pretty pointless... I thought they were both fun to a degree...but pretty unmemorable. The guys playing McCoy, Scottie and Chekov are just terrible...the first was fun because it tried, to some degree, to recreate the look of the original series...but the second just looked like every other sci-FI adventure movie...they even managed to make the Klingons pretty dull. I think Abrams has all his heart in the Star Wars franci$e... I could care less if they make anymore Trek movies.

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I wouldn't mind some new Trek movies, but my preference would be to have all-new characters, possibly set around 20 or 30 years after the finish of STNG. they have a whole galaxy of material to draw from without having to reboot stories or characters, and they wouldn't get stuck making films that seemed more like drawn-out television episodes than movies. under Roddenberry, Berman, etc the Star Trek universe grew into such an expansive, detailed milieu that someone could put a really good series of stories together that wouldn't have to rely on old or established characters to sell it. just my opinion, though.

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I wouldn't mind some new Trek movies, but my preference would be to have all-new characters, possibly set around 20 or 30 years after the finish of STNG. they have a whole galaxy of material to draw from without having to reboot stories or characters, and they wouldn't get stuck making films that seemed more like drawn-out television episodes than movies. under Roddenberry, Berman, etc the Star Trek universe grew into such an expansive, detailed milieu that someone could put a really good series of stories together that wouldn't have to rely on old or established characters to sell it. just my opinion, though.


Not to be one of those "Star Trek snobs", but I think the way the movie industry is today (Hollywood anyways) there just isn't room for the Star Trek that Rodenberry dreamed of, and Berman, to an extent stayed true to. Star Trek, at its' best, had a higher intellectual content than other things that surplanted it. People want to be entertained with these types of films, more than they want to think. Maybe it just doesn't lend itself as easily to the big screen?


I do agree wholeheartedly, they need to let go of the old characters, whatever they do. Zachary Quintero (sp?) made a pretty good Mr Spock, but then they had to bring Nimoy on to play Spock too...this need to hold onto the originals just kind of gets in the way of good storytelling. And, I aprreciate those old characters as much as anyone... I just think they should give it a rest, let people really miss it, and bring the Star Trek universe back, when somebody has a truly unique story to tell in that universe. The second re-boot movie could have been pretty much any sci-fi adventure flick.. I think, after the original series (always the best), Deep Space Nine was my favorite, because it added so much to that world, and told a unique story.

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My favorites are the one with the creature that sucked salt out of people, the one with the two gangs that attacked each other where they called the phasers "heaters", the one with the underground creature whose eggs were being inadvertently destroyed by mining, and of course the tribble episode.

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My favorites are the one with the creature that sucked salt out of people, the one with the two gangs that attacked each other where they called the phasers "heaters", the one with the underground creature whose eggs were being inadvertently destroyed by mining, and of course the tribble episode.


"The Man Trap" (directed by Marc Daniels), "A Piece Of The Action," "Devil in the Dark" (written by Geen L. Coon, directed by Joe Pevney), and "The Trouble With Tribbles" (duh - written by David Gerrold, directed by Joe Pevney).


I honestly don't remember who wrote or directed "A Piece of the Action." I do remember it guest-starred Vic Tayback, later of "Alice" fame.

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Loved the series as well, though not as in to it as Buftex & Tom.

Space seed.


It's not that I was "in to it" as much as I had no friends, no life, and was an obsessive teenager.


Unlike now, when...well, I'm not a teenager.


(Dated a woman, years ago, who had a genuine original-series mini-skirt uniform, though. That was awesome - easily the best thing I got out of being a Star Trek fan.)

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It's not that I was "in to it" as much as I had no friends, no life, and was an obsessive teenager.


Unlike now, when...well, I'm not a teenager.


(Dated a woman, years ago, who had a genuine original-series mini-skirt uniform, though. That was awesome - easily the best thing I got out of being a Star Trek fan.)


Sounds like me... a middle aged teenager!

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