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Bills Sign Cyrus Kouandjio

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Thank you, new CBA.


Isnt iit just a GREAT thing with the new CBA when team's pretty much ALL sign their picks rather smoothly compared to the days where u had to mortgage the future if a top pick busted.


It;s crazy the difference from last yr of old deal and new one when u compare the last 1st overall pick from that draft being Sam "moneybags" Bradford... Rams had to make HUGE investment and longer term in those days. Now with rookie contracts, they get what the "value" of pick should be, which IMO, makes guys heading into 1st FA contract more expensive than ever cuz they didnt make the "huge" money in rookie deal, especially if they were a 3rd rounder or something like that, that busted out and played great for rookie deal. They know its time to CASH IN as much as possible and probably why so many walk for the extra buck rather than show team loyalty like back in old days.



Edited by RCOHEN13
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Now with rookie contracts, they get what the "value" of pick should be, which IMO, makes guys heading into 1st FA contract more expensive than ever cuz they didnt make the "huge" money in rookie deal, especially if they were a 3rd rounder or something like that, that busted out and played great for rookie deal. They know its time to CASH IN as much as possible and probably why so many walk for the extra buck rather than show team loyalty like back in old days.




Hmm, you may have something here, but if so, that hasn't played out yet. Most draft picks are on 3-4 year deals, and the new CBA agreement was 3 years ago, so most of the top picks that would make that kind of spash's deals aren't expired yet.

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I'm glad he's signed but financially he took a huge hit dropping into the second round. I hope he uses it as motivation to blast people off the line.


He can make it payoff by being eligible for UFA in four years vs the five years that 1st rounders have to wait.

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