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[closed]Bills relocation process step #1...

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Goodell announces need for new stadium.




County officials say the RW is fine with some paint and a couple of air fresheners over the urinals. New owner says I'm not putting a dime of my own money down. You love your Bills you pay for it. Two years from now knowing they will never have the money for a new stadium the county and state default on the lease by not doing some minor repair work on the scoreboard or the field turf. Moving trucks show up the next day....


This is how it all starts folks. And the NFL lays the blame on the city, county, and state. The state then turns around and lures the Jets back to NYC.

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Only the county officials never said the Ralph is fine. Which is why there is a big stadium committee. Which is why New York State just hired a firm to study sites for a new stadium. Which is why there are current renovations. There are 7 years left on the lease. Nobody said they need a new stadium tomorrow. They have 7 years. Pretty sure whomever buys the team will be well aware of the need for a new stadium and they probably won't sell to someone who isn't on board with a new stadium.

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I want them to stay as much as anyone but where does Buffalo get 850 million or more??? I would love to see a downtown stadium with shopping and restaurants.

There are a lot more NY voters in NYC for Cuomo to answer to than there are in WNY.

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I thought it was common knowledge that a new stadium will be needed after the current 7/10 lease runs out. You didn't think we were going to be playing in that concrete hole in 2030, did you?

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I want them to stay as much as anyone but where does Buffalo get 850 million or more??? I would love to see a downtown stadium with shopping and restaurants.

There are a lot more NY voters in NYC for Cuomo to answer to than there are in WNY.


Do you think all state taxes Buffalonian's pay only go to Buffalo?

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I think the Bills are actually in a very ideal situation when it comes to a new owner. A stadium that was just renovated, which buys plenty of time to build a new stadium. Also, an active and determined fanbase, government, and celebrity support.

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