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Trading Byrd and draft scenario

Ludwig van

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Draft scenario

Trade Byrd for a 2nd round pick

Trade back a few spots in the 1st rd for an additional 2nd pick.

Draft the top safety and still have 3 picks in the 2nd rd.

That's 4 picks in the 1st 64.

I love having Byrd here but he is a HUGE distraction and I would rather get a blue chipper that actually wants to be here..


Byrd wants to get paid what he believes he worth. If it’s the Bills he’ll be fine with it. If not the Bills he wants it from somewhere else. Has NOTHING to do with him not wanting to be there. He’s just not taking a discount to be there and he shouldn’t have to.

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I think the Bills will tag Byrd and trade him. On a team with 4 consecutive 6-10 seasons, I don't think Whaley will pony up the $10M/year it would take to keep Byrd here and I'm sure the recurrence of plantar fasciitis is directly caused by tagus franchisa. So, as much as I hate watching the Bills' best players walk in exchange for a crapshoot of a draft pick, I think that is where he's headed. How about St. Louis? They're still heavy on draft picks, no?

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I think the Bills will tag Byrd and trade him. On a team with 4 consecutive 6-10 seasons, I don't think Whaley will pony up the $10M/year it would take to keep Byrd here and I'm sure the recurrence of plantar fasciitis is directly caused by tagus franchisa. So, as much as I hate watching the Bills' best players walk in exchange for a crapshoot of a draft pick, I think that is where he's headed. How about St. Louis? They're still heavy on draft picks, no?

I agree with your basic point that losing Byrd for a draft pick is pretty sad. I don't see them reaching an agreement for the simple reason that nothing has changed over last year. Whatever the obstacles are in reaching a deal, they are still there.


I think the Bills may not have nearly as much leverage as they think they have over the Byrd situation and as a result, I don't think they are in a position to get a good trade or for Byrd to suddenly agree to a contract the Bills like. Everyone knows that the Bills don't really have an attractive alternative to a trade. They can sign him to the same long term deal they rejected last year but doing so would be an admission that the whole franchise tag circus they went through last year was unnecessary. They can franchise him again, spending a ton of money on a guy who is out of here at the end of the season. They can let him walk. Or they can bite the bullet and just take whatever mediocre trade they can get and move on. That is one lousy set of options.


Given that they have painted themselves into a corner, I have to say that at this point I would give the front office an interim grade of D- on its handling of the Byrd situation. I will say they have conducted themselves far more professionally than in the past. To the credit of both sides, no one negotiated through the press or took cheap shots at the other. The details of the negotiations remained remarkably behind closed doors. The Bills think Byrd is worth X and he thinks he is worth Y, that doesn't make either side a bad guy. But the end result of a 6-10 team that hasn't seen the playoffs since gas was 89 cents per gallon is that they are losing an elite or almost-elite player for, likely, not very much. That is not a hand well-played.

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Option b is likely a little exaggerated but I wouldn't expect him before mid August, and we could get a 3rd round comp pick if he gets the type of deal he wants (which a healthy season helps him get).

whats funny is that's exactly what happened last year.


Not to toot my own horn or anything but I called it all offseason and everyone thought I was an idiot.

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