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In the preseason, Marrone said he knew what the problem was with the

knee but he would not say. Why not, what was the secret?


Did he have the problem before the draft?


Does anyone know?


Did the problem contribute to this problem now?


Will this be chronic throughout EJ!s career?

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No one knows for sure outside of Merrone and EJ (and perhaps some contractual insiders in the FO). However, this never stops us from having our fact-free opinions about this. Right now I am in trust but verify mode until we are mathematically eliminated and thus I am happy to assume that it is not a chronic issue or if it is they did not know about it before the draft.

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In the preseason, Marrone said he knew what the problem was with the

knee but he would not say. Why not, what was the secret?


Did he have the problem before the draft?


Does anyone know?


Did the problem contribute to this problem now?


Will this be chronic throughout EJ!s career?


It was the other knee. EJ needs to learn to avoid hits, that's all.

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I'm totally sure he was damaged goods. I mean, look at the facts! Look at all the news reports, and his injuries. I mean, clearly damaged goods because it wasn't the fact that someone ran into his knee, it was that that knee that was bent backwards by a Brown was already damaged goods.


In the preseason, Marrone said he knew what the problem was with the

knee but he would not say. Why not, what was the secret?


Did he have the problem before the draft?


Does anyone know?


Did the problem contribute to this problem now?


Will this be chronic throughout EJ!s career?

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