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It's not that hard to believe


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The bottom line is that if what Mort said is true....then the bills braintrust due not consider having Drew on the team to be a huge issue.....


This is huge....absolutely huge. But I think we are def still going to need a veteran guy just in case JPL takes a while to take the reins


Get in that playbook, weightroom, and filmroom JPL......your time is now

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I love the thought, but:


1) Henry is worth a 2nd, Bledsoe is worth a 4th. No one trades the #2 overall for a 2nd and a 4th.


The reason I like this is that Drew doesnt even remotely scare me, he just cant play agaisnt his x teams... :rolleyes:



Did Miami dump their 2nd rounder in the Feeley deal?

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Of course people get mad.


They SEE by the title that its the same post as something else, but they CANNOT STOP THEMSELVES from opening it....


People who think they are the board police = RJ.



I could give a Sh&&t how many threads are posted on the same subject,,I opened it to see Frez's take on the subject...then I posted just to razz him a bit.. :(


I do hate the fact that so many redundent threads, push to the 2nd page important ones like,,,The Lost or 24 hrs threads..or the Which Vacuum is best OT threads.. :rolleyes:

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Maybe its time for Drew to move on???? I don't know.

Some of you mentioned Garcia, Kitna, Warner. I don't think any of those guys will help in any way. Maybe is time for JP to take his bumps and see what this kid has?

Last year Garcia, Warner, Collins, and Brunnel were hot topics and look at how they turned out this past season. Kitna just got benched for the future and maybe thats what is going to happen here in Buffalo.

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It's not a situation that's hard to fathom. The reasons for this are quite simple.


A 6.5 million a year quarterback needs to be a playmaker. Drew is not a playmaker. He's not really even asked to be one. Our team is now built around Willis McGahee and a controlled passing game. If TD believes he can get 20 TD's and 15 interceptions out of J.P for less then he will cut Drew and go with J.P or another cheaper veteran.


Drew has not proven to be worth almost 7 million a year. For what you get from Drew he's about a 2.5-3 million a year QB.


I hope Drew doesn't take the paycut. It would be a good day for the Bills if he hit the unemployment line.

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It's not a situation that's hard to fathom.  The reasons for this are quite simple.


A 6.5 million a year quarterback needs to be a playmaker.  Drew is not a playmaker.  He's not really even asked to be one.  Our team is now built around Willis McGahee and a controlled passing game.  If TD believes he can get 20 TD's and 15 interceptions out of J.P for less then he will cut Drew and go with J.P or another cheaper veteran. 


Drew has not proven to be worth almost 7 million a year.  For what you get from Drew he's about a 2.5-3 million a year QB.


I hope Drew doesn't take the paycut.  It would be a good day for the Bills if he hit the unemployment line.




Not at all, an very much what many of us expected. Agreed on the dollar value of Drew. Ithink its likely that he tells the Bills to go f-ck themselves and then is either traded or cut.


After all, this is HIS team. :rolleyes:

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Maybe its time for Drew to move on???? I don't know.

Some of you mentioned Garcia, Kitna, Warner. I don't think any of those guys will help in any way. Maybe is time for JP to take his bumps and see what this kid has?

Last year Garcia, Warner, Collins, and Brunnel were hot topics and look at how they turned out this past season. Kitna just got benched for the future and maybe thats what is going to happen here in Buffalo.




I would not be apposed to seeing one of those guys as a BACKUP guy......and start JPL....one of those guys that can step in if JPL falters or gets nicked up....


The bottom line....we DONT have a superstar at the helm right now......

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I would not be apposed to seeing one of those guys as a BACKUP guy......and start JPL....one of those guys that can step in if JPL falters or gets nicked up....


The bottom line....we DONT have a superstar at the helm right now......




Hemet, sup buddy! Its been a while.


I thought for sure you would pounce on the "TD is getting more cap cash to add a star LT theory". I would think youd LOVE that.


Ya know, I DO TOO!!! Lets get Tra, Walter, or Orlando THIS YEAR!

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Are you sure your a Bills fan?  :rolleyes:


yes and it seems like I've been one alot longer than you've been alive .........there JP ERA


but I'm also a Drew fan from the past and present.....


I just thought it would be funny.........


its not like Jp is going to take us anywhere in the next few years........

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yes and it seems like I've been one alot longer than you've been alive .........there JP ERA


but I'm also a Drew fan from the past and present.....


I just thought it would be funny.........


its not like Jp is going to take us anywhere in the next few years........




Why did Roth do it then?

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cos their 3rd stringers are better than our team........


counts for something right?




Who was at the helm for us that day? hmmmmm.


My point exactly, if we cant beat NE, we are forced to be the heart beat kids trying to get a wild card spot. If then, we lay an egg, we are out.


Id rather get a guy who doesnt have the mental block against NE so that we might actually win the division.


How far do YOU want to drive to watch the Bills in the playoffs? Id love to see it in Buff!

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Frankly, screw bringing in someone else. For Christ's sake, you want to spend all of next year watching Garcia or Kitna try to learn our offense? Figure out how to throw to Moulds? Or Evans? Please...if we're going to change QBs, then just go to JP and get it over with already. But don't make me watch some other serviceable quarterback play just because  a handful of people think Warner, Kitna or Garcia are better than Bledsoe...because they're not.


My sentiments exactly. :rolleyes:

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Wouldn't it be great to have both TH and DB traded to division rivals? Seriously, how great would it be to face both of them at the same time. DB simply not making plays and TH either fumbling or not picking up blitzs or just playing well below NFL standards. We should not fear either of them.

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Not at all, an very much what many of us expected. Agreed on the dollar value of Drew. Ithink its likely that he tells the Bills to go f-ck themselves and then is either traded or cut.


After all, this is HIS team.  :rolleyes:




I find it absolutely bizzaro that he would make a statement like that and then have the bills braintrust come out with todays news......


TD to Drew Bledsoe....."no son.....this is NOT your team"


But I also found it bizarro that Drew would make a statement like that after he basically choked the game away that would have put the bills in the playoffs for the first time in 5 years.....against what amounted to the Steelers backups....


We SHOULD have killed the steelers on that day....against their scrubs....playing at HOME...and he comes out and says...."no...its my team"


Hey Drew....had you not coughed the ball up on essentially your own goaline and thrown 3 picks (should have been 5) then I think you might be able to say that.....but......

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I find it absolutely bizzaro that he would make a statement like that and then have the bills braintrust come out with todays news......


TD to Drew Bledsoe....."no son.....this is NOT your team"


But I also found it bizarro that Drew would make a statement like that after he basically choked the game away that would have put the bills in the playoffs for the first time in 5 years.....against what amounted to the Steelers backups....


We SHOULD have killed the steelers on that day....against their scrubs....playing at HOME...and he comes out and says...."no...its my team"


Hey Drew....had you not coughed the ball up on essentially your own goaline and thrown 3 picks (should have been 5) then I think you might be able to say that.....but......




or coughed the ball up for a TD against NE.


I seriously dont know what goes on in that guys head. You watched him on the sidelines as they were losing that game and he has this look like he is watching a movie...blank stare...no emotion. Are you kidding me? this was our shot to go to the playoffs dammit!


And then says that its HIS team with all this swagger? where the hell was that swagger when we needed it on the field?


The guy has become a real head scratcher.

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