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How much should EJ play against the Colts?


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If Kolb can play:


1st Q Kolb starts--goes to mid 2nd,,,,,EJ does mid 2nd through end of 3rd, tuel for 4th

game 2: Kolb/EJ play quarters 1-3, tuel plays 4th

game 3: Kolb/EJ play quarters 1-2, tuel plays 4th---In one of these 2 games EJ gets to start


If Kolb cant:


EJ 1st-mid 2nd, Tuel mid 2nd-3rd, 4th Brad Smith. If Brad smith doesnt then its half each.


game 2: Kolb first half, EJ plays 3rd, Tuel plays 4th


game 3: Kolb/EJ play quarters 1-3, tuel plays 4th



game 4----each QB does 1-2 possessions, Tuel does about 2 Quarters, Smith does the last half of the 4th.

Edited by djp14150
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Should play the first half even beating up on scrubs and backups should give him a lot of confidence if not it will give him a lot to correct. I think they will definitely play him a full quarter but something tells me they will pull him early in the second.

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