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Making a Bills Song

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So often times I come up with some inspiring ideas. Maybe its because im getting ready for Bills season which is just around the corner. I feel like making a song dedicated to the Bills and I want it to the tune of this song. I think a majority of you have probably heard it. I know we have a bunch of creative minds and true die hard fans who know this team and its history. I would love to make a song about the bills and make something out of it for all to enjoy! As some of you may know from recent post i've made - like all Bills fans I have a passion for Bills football, but i also like dedicating my time, talent and hard work to montages and musical pieces when I am afforded the opportunity. What I would need is some help or an idea for the lyrics!






Edit: The song above was not my creation, but with your help I can help recreate it to a Buffalo Bills theme and perform it.

Edited by Bills!Win!
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Eh, my advice is to pick something not as dated. You're already going against this:


and this (as far as parodies go):


And while we're on the topic of Bills/Buffalo songs:


The Jambrones have some great tunes: http://www.youtube.com/user/thejambrones?feature=watch


And lastly, I know most 'round here don't like rap at all, but if you do, this is pretty good. At least as far as football songs go.

I think the players would really take to this:


EDIT: Apparently, one cannot post multiple videos in the same post. Sorry bout that.

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