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[closed]Anyone for Tebow?

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The Jets will probably be getting rid of him soon. Anyone up for him? I am, I wouldn't mind him battling for #2 or 3. I just don't get why people don't like him? Hes a winner! He brought the Broncos to the playoffs when the were basically last in the league!


#2 or #3 what?



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I just don't get why people don't like him?


Funny, I just don't get why people like him as a QB.


I get the 'winner", "attitude", etc ....


How about ability?


If a QB has to continually rely on his feet to become that "winner", that QB is going to have a very short career.


He brought the Broncos to the playoffs when the were basically last in the league!


Yeah, because that D had absolutely nothing to do with it.

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