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What to do with Drew

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Most of the threads here say either start Drew or trade him.


Why can't he be our #2 QB?


He is still under contract and has been down this road before (being eclipsed by a younger QB). Drew proved in NE that he could be a team player, keep his mouth shut as the #2, and win games off the bench when needed.


Why couldn't this work for the Bills? Restructuring his contract (again) would help also. He would probably rather restructure than move his family again at this point.

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Most of the threads here say either start Drew or trade him.


Why can't he be our #2 QB?


He is still under contract and has been down this road before (being eclipsed by a younger QB).  Drew proved in NE that he could be a team player, keep his mouth shut as the #2, and win games off the bench when needed.


Why couldn't this work for the Bills?  Restructuring his contract (again) would help also.  He would probably rather restructure than move his family again at this point.




$6M a year to be #2 will be hard to deal with. But if he would restructure, sure.

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Lol, would you be a number two QB at this stage of your career if you are Drew?


Seriously, the guy has to think about his financial well being and backing up the Buffalo Bills isn't the answer.



His financial well being?


He's won a $6 million lottery about 12 times... I think he'll be OK.

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Trade Bledsoe to Dallas for anything. A set of shiny new goal posts, whatever.


Start Losman.


Five to six years of instant AFC East dominance.  3 of the next 5 Super Bowls..woo hoo!



Wow, that Oneida guy is making sense all of a sudden........


If Drew agreed to be a back-up, I'd have no respect for him. All it would do is prove to those of us who already think he's a big game brain farter that we are correct. No career starter should ever accept a back-up role without a fight.......this game is about being a competitor. You don't just roll over and let the other guy take your spot. That would be like letting someone else bang your wife.

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But, seriously, would you be a backup at this stage of your career after being a starter for basically your entire tenure as a NFL QB? At 32?



That depends on a lot of factors.


What if Drew "competes" in training camp and fails to earn the starting spot? Are you saying he quits foorball before week 1? What kind of example would that be for Drew to set for his kids?


Nah, Drew CAN end up our #2 if the cards are played correctly.

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First off, Drew just restructured and is not likely to do that 2 years in a row. It is quite expensive to live in the middle of nowhere Montana.


Secondly, he IS way too expensive to keep as a backup.


Thirdly, he would have a hard time accepting that role right now.


My suggestion, send him out for a night on the town with Ray Lewis. DB situation solved for the Bills organization, although may cause problems for the DB family. Just kidding of course people, no need to blast me for thinking immortal thoughts. :w00t:

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