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Yankees, Johnson reach $32M, 2-year deal


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And what did they have to do to get back to a profitable situation?  Dump Ivan Rodriguez and become another small market mediocre team.




The Marlins are hardly a mediocre team. They had a breakout of injuries that hurt them last year.


I'd say their pitching staff is better than the Red Sox right now.

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Unless the Yankees come to town.  Then they sell out the stadiums  :D




Bingo! Thats the only time they sell out here in Tampa. Though there have been a couple of Braves games sold out. BTW, theres never been a Red Sox game sold out here in Tampa.

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I will give you Tampa but Pittsburgh has been a baseball town for over 100 years but do you blame the  Pittsburgh fans for not spenidng the big bucks to buy tickes to see a team that goes 70-92 every year and who has no legitimate ability to keep the talent that comes through the farm system until the team could mature into a contender.




But yet they have a three year old stadium.

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The Marlins are hardly a mediocre team. They had a breakout of injuries that hurt them last year.


I'd say their pitching staff is better than the Red Sox right now.



And just like Oakland, they will soon have to disband the staff because they will be eligible for free agency and will never be able to match the dollars thrown at them by the Yanks, Red Sox, Dodgers, Angels.

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And what did they have to do to get back to a profitable situation?  Dump Ivan Rodriguez and become another small market mediocre team.




That is their CHOICE....they were getting fans...they could have maintained their team and people would have went to see the Marlins. Therefore the team would make more money, eventually get better ratings (bigger local TV deal), and therefore their payroll would increase. You think the Yankees made this money overnight?

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And just like Oakland, they will soon have to disband the staff because they will be eligible for free agency and will never be able to match the dollars thrown at them by the Yanks, Red Sox, Dodgers, Angels.



First, Oakland didn't get screwed. They are more than likely going to have a great 1-2-3 punch again by next year. They picked up a ton of talent between the Cards and Braves trade.



Second, if Florida decides to move Beckett/Willis/Burnett I believe they will end up getting value. Look at the Penny move.

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That is their CHOICE....they were getting fans...they could have maintained their team and people would have went to see the Marlins. Therefore the team would make more money, eventually get better ratings (bigger local TV deal), and therefore their payroll would increase.  You think the Yankees made this money overnight?



You can't possible believe this. If they sell a million more tickets at $20 per shot (including concession income), you got $20 million more. That would buy you one Yankee infielder. Tv ratings and (therefore income) is limited by the number of Tv's in your fan base. Pittsburgh metropolis might be 1.5 million (a guess). No matter how popular, they would only receive a tenth of the income that YES provides the Yankees. The economics simply dont work and will never work without revenue sharing. Every once in a while, the stars will align, the farm system will have a spectacular run and a small market team will make a run but they will always convert back to small market teams in the end.

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That is their CHOICE....they were getting fans...they could have maintained their team and people would have went to see the Marlins. Therefore the team would make more money, eventually get better ratings (bigger local TV deal), and therefore their payroll would increase.  You think the Yankees made this money overnight?


areyou kidding? Besides the Playoffs..Pro Player is a ghost town

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You can't possible believe this. If they sell a million more tickets at $20 per shot (including concession income), you got $20 million more.  That would buy you one Yankee infielder.  Tv ratings and (therefore income) is limited by the number of Tv's in your fan base.  Pittsburgh metropolis might be 1.5 million (a guess).  No matter how popular, they would only receive a tenth of the income that YES provides the Yankees.  The economics simply dont work and will never work without revenue sharing.  Every once in a while, the stars will align, the farm system will have a spectacular run and a small market team will make a run but they will always convert back to small market teams in the end.




How would you know this unleess you try?? Has there been a situation in Florida where this has been tried over a long period of time? No, and why? Because they are cheap.


Again I ask the question: Did the Yankees just wake up one day with all this money or has it been built up over the years?


Personally I know how some of you Yankees haters feel, that oh look at these Yankees fans they want everything...not the case with everyone...Id love to see a team like the Pirates step up to the plate and sign their own players and get into negogiations with other players....but go out and do it already, why cant they try? They have a beautiful park and a very very good sports town......but IMO part of the problems with some of these teams is their management.


Look at the 94 Expos...Wettleand, Pedro and company...Wettleand said in an interview in 1995 that IF Expos management approached them and expressed an interest to say in Montreal, he Pedro, Walker and others would have at a DISCOUNTED rate...but Wettleand said...they NEVER approached us...they DIDNT CARE....and Im sure thats the case with some of these other teams.

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Here is the difference...small market teams need to hit 1.000 on all of their free agent moves and trades, if not they suffer...the Yanks, Redsox etc, can randomly throw $$ at FA and if it does not work..f it, always next year...I think the last decent FA the Pirates signed was Derek Bell, and that worked out well for them

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Did the Yankees wake up one day with all this money?????? YES!!!!!!!!!


They are in a metropolitan area of 25 million people. It is easy to sell tickets, the television contract is huge. For a team like the Pirate to sign their own players, if they were good would soon result in a payroll over a $100 million. That is what it takes to compete with the big market teams. Pittsburgh can NEVER get $100 million in revenue if they sell every seat for every game and every tv in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area turned on every game. IT CAN NOT BE DONE.


As for players staying in small markets at discounted rates, give me a break.

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Which certainly explains the Dodgers and Cubs.



I will never say that being in a large market guarantees success. Hell, I used to be an Orioles fan. But I am saying that being a small market team practically guarantees that a team can not be competitive except for a short period of time or if an owner is willing to lose money every year.

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I will never say that being in a large market guarantees success.  Hell, I used to be an Orioles fan.  But I am saying that being a small market team practically guarantees that a team can not be competitive except for a short period of time or if an owner is willing to lose money every year.


Well then maybe major league baseball should scale back. That'd be too bad.

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Well then maybe major league baseball should scale back.  That'd be too bad.



I agree there are too many teams but it does not seem right that you would have to eliminate the Pittsburgh Pirates, Cincinnati Reds, Kansas City Royals and other storied franchises because they are not in a large enough metropolitan area.


The NFL formula works great. I will never understand Bills fans who say "screw the small market" teams in baseball. Darin, you are the King of Irony (I mean that in a good way). You have to get it.

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So what band wagon did you jump on after you "used" to be an Orioles fan.

Nothing worse than a jumper.



Happy to reply. I simply quit being a baseball fan. When I was a kid, I loved the sport. I don't blame the Yankees - they are just taking advantage of the situation that is presented to them. It is just no fun to watch every great player migrate to 8 to 10 teams and everyone else being perpetually mediocre. If run correctly, the Orioles could be one of those 8 to 10 teams that could compete. I don't care anymore.

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