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Am I a Bledsoe apologist?

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Absolutely.  And please do it a couple of hundred times each over the entire offseason.  That'll make the board MUCH more enjoyable.  :lol:



Maybe if the rest of you would open your eyes and see Drew for what he really is, those of us who keep bringing it up would have less reason to do so :)


This is like having a teacher for your child that is very likeable, yet at the same time you recognize that the fact that they are well-liked is serving to mask the fact that they are an incompetent instructor and unfit to be teaching your child. Even if I liked the instructor personally, I'd still have no problem finding my child a new one. It would be the right thing to do. In this case, exploring other options is the best thing to do for the Bills.

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yes well, honest fans have to acknowledge that Drew has been abysmal in big games for the bills, wouldn't you agree?



Before we went to Cincinnati it was acknowledged as a Big Game. It was only afterwards that to fit their arguments some have tried to downplay the game. We played 6 elimination games in a row, failing in the 7th.


How does the math come out if you apply the "big game" measure to Jim Kelly?


More importantly, how does Eric Moulds stack up to the "big game" measure? After all- he will make far more money than Bledsoe next year ;-)

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So mark me down as a Bledsoe apologist if that means someone who judges Bledsoe's play to be at about the same level it always has bee.  It is a level of play which a team can win the big ones if the rest of the team plays well.  It is a level of play where if the OC maximizes what Drew does well and minimizes what he does poorly the team can win and even blow out inferiot teams.  I'm a Bledsoe apologist if it means I judge him to be a reasonable starter if Losman isn't ready yet.



I'd call you an apologist if you actually made a stand on the issue, but as usual you try to come down on both sides and never actually make a decision one way or the other.


I know the underlying premise of your convoluted thinking about Bledsoe is the 'Trent Dilfer can win the Super Bowl as a 'reasonable starter' theory, but there is a HUGE difference between the two. Dilfer actually had a bit of pocket presence and rarely made mistakes that hurt his team. Bledsoe has NO pocket presence and makes mistakes that hurt his team on a regular basis.

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Before we went to Cincinnati it was acknowledged as a Big Game. It was only afterwards that to fit their arguments some have tried to downplay the game. We played 6 elimination games in a row, failing in the 7th.


How does the math come out if you apply the "big game" measure to Jim Kelly?


More importantly, how does Eric Moulds stack up to the "big game" measure? After all- he will make far more money than Bledsoe next year ;-)



Moulds was still 4th in the AFC in receptions this year and 10th overall.........his drops this year were frustrating, but most games the guy comes to play.

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Before we went to Cincinnati it was acknowledged as a Big Game. It was only afterwards that to fit their arguments some have tried to downplay the game. We played 6 elimination games in a row, failing in the 7th.


How does the math come out if you apply the "big game" measure to Jim Kelly?


More importantly, how does Eric Moulds stack up to the "big game" measure? After all- he will make far more money than Bledsoe next year ;-)



I'll say it right now: Jim Kelly was a big-game choker.


Witness 4 SB losses.


And I also called out Moulds, TKO and Clements yesterday, only to be shouted down. I was VERY irritated with Moulds after that game. OVER-RATED.


Lee's the shiz-nizzle. Eric's DONE.

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Moulds was still 4th in the AFC in receptions this year and 10th overall.........his drops this year were frustrating, but most games the guy comes to play.



I'm very interested to learn in which "Big Games" during his pro career has Eric "won the game" for us?

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Maybe if the rest of you would open your eyes and see Drew for what he really is, those of us who keep bringing it up would have less reason to do so :) 


Go back and find my "pro-Drew" posts. Good luck on your quest.


There were a number of us (Simon comes immediately to mind) who didn't want Drew here in the first place for many of the reasons you are trumpeting now.


Here I am advocating FLUTIE. In October. AND I HATE FLUTIE.

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I'm very interested to learn in which "Big Games" during his pro career has Eric "won the game" for us?



Sheeeat, I'm still pissed at Moulds for that fumble on that long RAC in the Miami playoff game when Flutie was the starter. Cripes I'm getting old, when was that... '98?

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I'll say it right now: Jim Kelly was a big-game choker.


Witness 4 SB losses.


And I also called out Moulds, TKO and Clements yesterday, only to be shouted down. I was VERY irritated with Moulds after that game. OVER-RATED.


Lee's the shiz-nizzle. Eric's DONE.



I missed your posts yesterday- Moulds is the interesting study for one very big reason- he's the kind of guy who would NOT be returning next season to a team like the Pats based upon his pay/performance. The same team that moved Drew for similar, although not exactly the same, reasons. How Moulds is handled might say a lot about how much attention TD is paying to the best roster managers in the league right now.

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Sheeeat, I'm still pissed at Moulds for that fumble on that long RAC in the Miami playoff game when Flutie was the starter. Cripes I'm getting old, when was that... '98?




The water torture that is our playoff history-











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Go back and find my "pro-Drew" posts.  Good luck on your quest.


There were a number of us (Simon comes immediately to mind) who didn't want Drew here in the first place for many of the reasons you are trumpeting now. 


Here I am advocating FLUTIE.  In October.  AND I HATE FLUTIE.



They why the hell do you oppose exploring other options? Namely, options that begin with the letters J and P??

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I don't think so.


True Bledsoe apologists are bigger Drew fans than Bills fans.

They tend to be losers in real life,

and naturally gravitate to Bledsoe, the biggest loser around.

They don't really care if the Bills win or lose,

as long as they have a misfit QB to look up to. :lol:


I see none of those traits in any of your posts. :)




I support Bledsoe as the quarterback next year.

He's better than anyone we have now.

I can easily quote stats and sitches that show Bledsoe's performances

were aided/ruined by supporting players.


I presume that makes me a "Bledsoe apologist" .


And therefore, a loser, and someone who cares not whether the Bills win or lose

according to Rico Einstein.


Rico has spoken. I am ashamed.

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I'm very interested to learn in which "Big Games" during his pro career has Eric "won the game" for us?



Unfortunately we've had few "big games" for Eric to win by himself in the past five years. But he's been huge in several games against the Fish.......he clicked well with Flutie.......hell, I can't believe I'm even having to defend Moulds. I'm all for him restructuring, by the guy is still a player.

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They  why the hell do you oppose exploring other options? Namely, options that begin with the letters J and P??


Because he's not even close to being ready. It would take one of the great offseasons in NFL history for him to be a servicable NFL quarterback by opening day. But we can pretend if it helps you sleep better. :)

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Because he's not even close to being ready.  It would take one of the great offseasons in NFL history for him to be a servicable NFL quarterback by opening day.  But we can pretend if it helps you sleep better.  :)



JP is only one option.......and who's to say he's not ready? I doubt anyone thougth Roethisberger was ready this year........you never know until you try. I keep coming back to the fact that we not only drafted a QB in the first round, we mortaged this years number 1 pick for him. Sooner or later TD and the gang are going to see what he can do.

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I support Bledsoe as the quarterback next year. 

He's better than anyone we have now.

I can easily quote stats and sitches that show Bledsoe's performances

were aided/ruined by supporting players.


I presume that makes me a "Bledsoe apologist" .


And therefore, a loser, and someone who cares not whether the Bills win or lose

according to Rico Einstein. 


Rico has spoken.  I am ashamed.



Hey, Rico......I think they're starting to come around :)

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JP is only one option.......and who's to say he's not ready? I doubt anyone thougth Roethisberger was ready this year........you never know until you try. I keep coming back to the fact that we not only drafted a QB in the first round, we mortaged this years number 1 pick for him. Sooner or later TD and the gang are going to see what he can do.


Who's to say he's not ready? NFL history. It's littered with the broken caracasses of QBs rushed into service before they were ready, ending promising careers before they ever had a chance to get untracked. If it weren't for the XFL, Tommy Maddox would be putting needles in livestock's asses for a living. Do the math.


BR would NEVER have seen the field if Maddox wasn't injured and this lauding of him as the second coming belays the fact that Steelers are truly winning with smash mouth offense and stifling physical defense. He's played well but nowhere near the pedestal that people have placed him on. Why is it everyone points at the exception rather than the rule, anyway?

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Who's to say he's not ready?  NFL history.  It's littered with the broken caracasses of QBs rushed into service before they were ready, ending promising careers before they ever had a chance to get untracked.  If it weren't for the XFL, Tommy Maddox would be putting needles in livestock's asses for a living.  Do the math.


BR would NEVER have seen the field if Maddox wasn't injured and this lauding of him as the second coming belays the fact that Steelers are truly winning with smash mouth offense and stifling physical defense.  He's played well but nowhere near the pedestal that people have placed him on.  Why is it everyone points at the exception rather than the rule, anyway?



I guess I just dont' really consider it the exception in today's NFL. I would attribute the success/failure rate of QBs you cited to have more to do with the difficulty of the position more than anything else. Most players drafted to play QB fail. That's the nature of the beast. If I remember correctly, Tommy Maddox was drafted to be Elway's backup in Denver.....he was never rushed into service. Even so, given his chances to start in both New York and then again in Atlanta, he never was able to make a go of it. His success in Pittsburgh is an anomaly, perhaps. I dunno........I jsut think that if you trade away high picks to grab a guy you like in the draft, then you give him a shot to do exactly what you drafted him for.

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I support Bledsoe as the quarterback next year. 

He's better than anyone we have now.



How do you know that JP is not a better option in 2005? Oh...silly me, I forgot that based on the 5 passes he threw this year, he has a qb rating in the 40's and therefore he sucks! :)


Does this make me Labatt Einstein Blue or Labatt Blue Einstein? :lol:

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JP is only one option.......and who's to say he's not ready? I doubt anyone thougth Roethisberger was ready this year........you never know until you try. I keep coming back to the fact that we not only drafted a QB in the first round, we mortaged this years number 1 pick for him. Sooner or later TD and the gang are going to see what he can do.


"never know until you try"???? What do you think he does in practice, wash towels? He plays in practice, the coaches watch him, they watch Drew and then they decide who is the best QB on the roster. We have tried him at QB, in practice plenty of times. Starting a QB isn't entirely guess work, the guys actually play the game in practice. The coaches who make a living evaluating them don't need to play him in a game to have a very good idea if he is ready. If a guy isn't able to do it in practice, why would he be able to do it in a game?


For better or worse, justified or not, Drew has become the focal point for all the frustration that comes to every team that doesn't make it to the post season. JP isn't ready, the coaches know it but the fans, because they haven't been treated to watching him explode in an actual game, cling to the fantasy that maybe, just maybe the coaches are wrong and he is ready to go. If MM thought for one second that JP would give him a better chance to win than Drew, he wouldn't hesitate for a moment to make the switch. The fans who wanted JP to start 7 weeks ago ought to quit complaining about Drew, WE GET IT ALREADY. Their real beef is with Mike Mularkey, he is the guy who clearly believes that Drew is the best QB on the roster. Start posting that MM should be fired immediately for starting Drew since, in your opinion, it is absolute insanity to start him.

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