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That dirty SOB (Wawrow) stiffed me at the opener. I waited and waited but he never showed.


ahem. ... let's get the record straight here, Mr. Ball. i was at Hammers Lot for half hour, but was told that you sir had joined your better half to shop for trinkets at the sale tents down the road. ... understand you had to compete your collection of Billy Buffalo keychains and bracelets. ... :bag:




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ahem. ... let's get the record straight here, Mr. Ball. i was at Hammers Lot for half hour, but was told that you sir had joined your better half to shop for trinkets at the sale tents down the road. ... understand you had to compete your collection of Billy Buffalo keychains and bracelets. ... :bag:





He'll probably say he left a trail of candycorn for you to follow so you could find him John. Bawl is an unabashed fan of the candycorn. In fact, today is a red-letter day for him; he raids the local grocery stores buying up all the left over candy corn and candy pumpkins. :bag:

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