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When Will Enough Be Enough ???

T master

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How much longer will the guys on the team that are doing their respective jobs well , be able or should i say willing to stay here if things don't change or get better ??


Some players would rather play on a winning team & take a bit less in a pay check rather than make big bucks & play for a team that seems to not make the right or tough decisions when it comes to whatever it may be to better the team .


Are we going to wind up with another Joe Cribbs situation with CJ ? Will someone like the Pats go hey if you can change a few things in your contract we will bring you here & make you our featured back no split back field ?? It could happen ...


Byrds & Laveitre's contract is up this year who's to say if they don't get them tied up that they won't be like Jabari Greer , Anthony Hargrove & others that have left & gone to a team to win ...


We do have the talent i believe but if the hard decisions aren't made such as - sit A Williams down & play some one else in his spot to show that no ones job is safe if they don't perform even the $100 million man maybe if they sat him he'd be more motivated to get more than 2 tackles a game , or heck try Merriman at LB cause if it's broke it needs fixing & the LB's aren't doing what they need to do , or change the parts of the scheme where it is weak to fit better ...


Something needs to change , we all know including our coaches what will happen if it stays the same ..


It's not like they don't have enough tape by now to see just what & where things are going wrong . Wanny is a SB winning coach , Gailey has been to the play offs a number of times so WTF fix it !!


But do it before the talent that we do have decides enough is enough !!!!

Edited by T master
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Until the Buffalo Bills has new ownership. Until then it's garbage as usual.


This. Ralph Wilson does not inspire winning. Not in the front office, not in the scouting department not in the coaching staff, or the players and at this point even the fans. I get it Ralph kept the team where it is. He is not a guy you think of when you look around the league at owners and their teams committed to winning, Football in WNY will survive long after Ralph is gone. Sell the team

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Fear not. The team will be moved to L.A. and then we will have something else to moan about for eternity.




Laughable attempt at fear mongering propaganda and the typical swipe at fans who no longer follow the "Ralph is the only thing keeping the Bills in Buffalo" script.


Hang in there, Baghdad Bob--these rotten ungrateful Bills fans will feel the Great Leader's Scorn someday....

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