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Hey Buddy...can you spare ....ugh, ugh, a defense ?


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I know this has been beat to death, but I can't help piling on. When Wanny was named Defensive Coordinator, the Wanstache love on this board was almost embarassing. Now it seems as though things are not looking all that great. In my opinion, Wanstache is a bigger culprit than Fitz when looking to point fingers, Fitz as a mediocre QB is probably number three or four on the list of issues, Play calling on O, play calling on D, weak linebackers, and young cornerbacks are also all contributors to the problem. Everyone knows this, Throw in Mario not living up to expectations, a few injuries and things look even worse. I don't even want to bring up the lack of top notch receivers because Fitz is having trouble hitting Stevie, so having more good receivers won't help. OK all you Fitz haters, I agree he isn't very good, but I don't blame him for everything that is wrong with the team, so flame away!

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Umm, the thread was about the defense. Nix did what most fans would have done to try and fit it. What would you have done? A lot of times people like to jsut criticize without coming up with a solution. Because I would have done everything Nix did. I'm flat out shocked the defense is so bad. But that's not on Nix IMO.


Let me get this straight. Essentially, you believe that if a GM simply makes decisions that are popular with the fans, then that GM should be absolved of any blame. Man, if only the real world worked like that. I'm sure many GM's over the years wish they could just say, "I know the team has stunk, but I did what the fans wanted and we looked good on paper."


As fans, regardless of what we think, we do not know more than Buddy Nix. Lets be honest, how many times have we as fans called for a player to be taken in the first round only to see them fall all the way to the second or third?? But, the fact of the matter is, we are fans, and this is not our job. The last time I checked, none of us collect a paycheck from the Bills. We pay for a service, and we have a right to criticize that service. By your logic, if you get a dish that tastes like crap at a restaurant, you better know how to improve that dish or else you shouldn't say anything.


However, Buddy Nix doesn't have the luxury of such an excuse. It is his job to put a winning product on the field, regardless of what the fans want. He clearly hasn't done that. Nix hires the coaches and staffs the team, and for that reason, Nix shoulders all of the blame. It's really that simple.


Even if you do what you think is right at the time, but it turns out to be wrong, you are still wrong.

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4th game. 2-2. i see what you see. Believe me i do.

Nix has not done his job because we are not vying for the playoffs this year, I have come to think that half of us are playoff or bust on the team. Focusing on individuals is one way of doing that. By breaking it down.

But as a whole we really just are a better team. We are not showing up on the field

Besides Fitz and maybe Fitz. We have coaching issues. Whether its the details and or major decision making its always on the coaching.


There is enough talent to be a strong team. Not a team that gets blown out or is so up and down.

Coaching my, friends. Dont hate the players.

I love the Chan actually but these guys better get this locker room straightened out and Dave sure as heck better show he can run a defense starting with San diego.

Nix gets the pass this year,


Let me get this straight. Essentially, you believe that if a GM simply makes decisions that are popular with the fans, then that GM should be absolved of any blame. Man, if only the real world worked like that. I'm sure many GM's over the years wish they could just say, "I know the team has stunk, but I did what the fans wanted and we looked good on paper."


As fans, regardless of what we think, we do not know more than Buddy Nix. Lets be honest, how many times have we as fans called for a player to be taken in the first round only to see them fall all the way to the second or third?? But, the fact of the matter is, we are fans, and this is not our job. The last time I checked, none of us collect a paycheck from the Bills. We pay for a service, and we have a right to criticize that service. By your logic, if you get a dish that tastes like crap at a restaurant, you better know how to improve that dish or else you shouldn't say anything.


However, Buddy Nix doesn't have the luxury of such an excuse. It is his job to put a winning product on the field, regardless of what the fans want. He clearly hasn't done that. Nix hires the coaches and staffs the team, and for that reason, Nix shoulders all of the blame. It's really that simple.


Even if you do what you think is right at the time, but it turns out to be wrong, you are still wrong.

You do have the excellent point that Buddy put the coaching staff together that we have and now employ?

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Hell no but how is this Nix fault? He addressed what was the biggest needs of the team and the players are not performing. But I just hated hindsight threads. Everyone wanted Mario.


And I hoped to have a 3-1 start. 2-2 is a game off. I just have to accept the PAts game is always a loss. But this is on the players, especially the defense. Yesterday was completely embarrassing.

It's nobody's fault. The Bills are always bad. It's like death and taxes. Nothing that Nix could do about it.

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Haha. These threads are great. Everyone was totally on board with all these signings all offseason. Now, after spending a ton of money, Nix is a complete moron. hilarious.


no - the funny part is how you defended Wannstadt as not having any input into the craptacular defense of last year

looks like the defense went downhill after Wannstadt took over last year and it continues

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the team will be 2-7 maybe 3-6 and then go 4-3...


im guessing 7-9 or 6-10 again, maybe, maybe worse...


polian come back!!!!!!!!!


just ask yourself, with fitz being a legit question, why didnt nix draft dalton or trade up for newton, griffin? why?

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