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The Obama You Don't Know (Washington Examiner)


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Sometimes I feel like discussing things other times I feel like being Dave_In_Norfolk. Let me be. The hidden boogeyman Obama will always bring out the Dave_In_Norfolk...obviously I did not read the article nor have I read about the "hidden Romney." They're both pols...end of story.


We have enough DIN's. He should be sterilized.

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wait what? Say it aint so



The 14-year-old audio clip circulated by the Mitt Romney campaign this week to attack Barack Obama as favoring "redistribution" of wealth was "deceptively edited," Democrats say, leaving out important context that Obama provided in his next breath.


In the clip Republicans are pushing around - and Romney now cites on the stump - then Illinois State Sen. Obama is heard speaking at a university conference in October 1998, appearing to endorse "redistribution" of wealth.


The edit of the last line out of the clip earned Romney and the Republican National Committee a "four pinocchios" rating by fact checkers at the Washington Post.





Don't you get tired of playing the fool? This is what they left out:


"How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities," he says.


Does this contradict his support of redistribution?



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We are all DIN's Meazza. Don't fool yourself.


good try, but you can do better... ya need a jingle that will stick for this campaign to move "forward", and I'mm here to help, for a nominal fee of course...


Let's try...


Obama, Obama, we are all like Osama!!!


wait... sorry... wrong jingle...


how 'bout...


Washington, oh Washington, we are all ignorant DIN???


There we go!!!! That one will stick for sure!!!

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