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Wildcat: I just threw up in my mouth.


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I'm kinda surprised we are this deep in the thread and nobody has mentioned that the play develops much faster on a direct snap.

The mismatch and extra blocker are both excellent reasons but taking out the handoff and starting the "qb"(rb) a couple of yards closer increases the speed of the play development and decreases the defenses reaction time.

Thanks everyone for your great responses!

This a point I never considered. Although I don't think its damper my distain for the wildcat it at least gives me an understanding of why you would use it.

Great post! :thumbsup:

Edited by MikeSpeed
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I guess I'm not surprised this topic has created such strong opinions on both sides...but I am slightly amused that the folks who "hate" the package have so little regard for a coaching staff who clearly believe it adds a useful dimension to the offense. I mean, it's not like Gailey and Lee are a couple of idiots who don't know anything about the game.

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I wrote this post on pretty much this exact topic




And then I wrote this about the Bills play calling in 3rd and short. Which includes wildcat success rates.




I'll be more than happy to answer any questions.


My final conclusion is that it is very successful at converting short yardage. And we are going to see more and more QB runs this year in the NFL





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As for the comments about VY being able to run the WC, Wheres the proof in this? Just because he can scramble, it doesn't mean he can run that offence. Also, he would have to be neamed the 3rd string QB so that he can come in and out of the game without removing Fitz from it for the remainder of the game. Only the 3rd string QB can come in and out to replace the starting QB without the starter being removed.


If Vince Young comes in to do anything it will be a sign of several things. First, that the regular offense isn't producing, ... or worse yet, that Fitz is out for injury, which won't be good. It will also be a sign that they're grasping at straws.


But of course, fans on a teams internet message board always know more about how to run a teams offence or defence then the team itself.............


That is not an argument, it's nothing but a misdirection statement. If the coaches knew how to run a team they wouldn't have been 4-12 and 6-10 the last two seasons.

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