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Does anybody realize the Steelers are coming?!?


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Funny... I have heard this all before. Jets fans came and went. Iggles, Pats, (actually Pats fans NEVER go away, it's like they don't have thier own home). The rookie QB will falter. You are not dominationg teams, blah, blah, blah. This IS steeler football at it's finest. You smash mouth the running game. Eat up T.O.P and the defense foces it's will against the opposing offense.


again, your team has "dominated" teams with a combined win pct of .331. Keep things a bit in perspective.


Tommy was our starting QB at the begining of the season. He is quite capable of backing up Big Ben.

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The Bills are playing with great confidence right now. Throw in the 12th man and I think x's and o's come second for this matchup. Fever pitch, good hard hitting start, best Defense will win this game. If the D doesn't play like they have been, I say we have a chance for a let down.


That being said, I said all along I wanted the Steelers at full strength. I want to see where my team really is. What better way to show it? This game has so many other story lines aside from the playoffs. Egos are at stake here (Cowher/Donohoe, Mularky/Cowher, Wisenhunt/Clements, Ralph/Roonies).


I like the Bills on pure adrenaline in this one.

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Look at what the Bills have done against Cincinnati and San Francisco, and then look at what Pittsburgh did against the Giants. Good teams find a way to win, sure. Great teams absolutely destroy weaker opponets. That is what the Bills are doing, and this is something the Steelers are not doing.


You should also take into account what Pixburgh did to a good Ravens team last week. Baltimore has one of the league's tougher defenses and P'burgh came out afer halftime and just absolutely beat the dogsnot out of hteir front7 and there wasn't a thing the Ravens could do about it. They could have played with 12 guys and it would have just been an extra bug on the windshield of the Stillers rushing attack.

As good as Bettis has been, Staley has been better when he's played and the Stillers are bringing in an OLine that hasn't lost a single snap to injury the entire year. And while Roethlisberger's loss hurts their ability to make plays from the QB position, Maddox is a vet who's going to have time and is playing for a staff that will run the ball.

While our staff has been great making adjustments according to the flow of the game, I haven't been particularly happy with their game-planning; we've also seen a few teams able to run the ball on us outside the Guards. I expect P'burgh is going to be able to run the ball some in the first half(even w/o Staley or Bettis as VerronHayes is a real player) before the Bills put the kibosh on it. Defensively the Stillers aren't as much into sacks as they are pressure, and that does not bode well for a QB that doesn't have a long history of making good decisions under pressure.

This is not going to be one of the cakewalks we've been watching over the last half of the season as we haven't played a team this physical since the Jax opener. Forget playoff implications and starters/backups, this is going to be a 12round bare knuckler.


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Funny... I have heard this all before.  Jets fans came and went.  Iggles, Pats, (actually Pats fans NEVER go away, it's like they don't have thier own home).  The rookie QB will falter.  You are not dominationg teams, blah, blah, blah.  This IS steeler football at it's finest.  You smash mouth the running game.  Eat up T.O.P and the defense foces it's will against the opposing offense. 


again, your team has "dominated" teams with a combined win pct of .331.  Keep things a bit in perspective. 


Tommy was our starting QB at the begining of the season.  He is quite capable of backing up Big Ben.




any given Sunday. Let's say you are correct. The best team does not always win. It's the best team THAT day. See Pats vs. Phins.


nothing is guaranteed.

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Bytor2112 (nice name BTW. or Cygnus-x-1) THat is why I don't think Cowher wil pull back too much in this game. He haas been riding his team on the back of the "no respect" even though we knock off every contender we have faced. He will keep his team up. We had our "trap game" against the giants. We prevailed and I think we will try to continue that on Sunday. But we shall see...

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Funny... I have heard this all before.  Jets fans came and went.  Iggles, Pats, (actually Pats fans NEVER go away, it's like they don't have thier own home).  The rookie QB will falter.  You are not dominationg teams, blah, blah, blah.  This IS steeler football at it's finest.  You smash mouth the running game.  Eat up T.O.P and the defense foces it's will against the opposing offense. 


again, your team has "dominated" teams with a combined win pct of .331.  Keep things a bit in perspective. 


That's right....dominated. That's exactly what a top-flight team should do - dominate and crush teams at the bottom of the league. They're not just doing it with one phase of the game. Special teams and defense have picked up the offense. The offense has picked up the defense. You name it - the Bills can do it with every facet of the game right now.


I don't think any of us aren't acknowledging Pittsburgh's success this year. I agree - they're arguably the best team in the NFL right now and over the course of the year. This game should be a whopper, no matter how you look at it.

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You've got to realize, I'm not suiting up nor am I on the coaching staff. Whether or not I take this game for granted has no effect on the outcome. I took last week for granted and look how that turned out. I'm just making good on my word two weeks ago that the Bengals were the toughest remaining game. I couldn't be less worried about this game. I'm more concerned with the Rams & Colts. For the 2nd time this season (the 1st being the Rams game) I feel the Bills are a lock vs. the spread.


You've got to love Steeler fan showing up. If you're going to talk smack before the game, can you please refrain from the "we weren't trying" after you lose? I can already smell the hypocricy from the other side of the state (Philly).

BTW - what is the Giants winning %?

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Jets fans came and went.  Iggles, Pats, (actually Pats fans NEVER go away, it's like they don't have thier own home). 



I'm starting to wonder if Pats fans DO have their own home. So they stick around your board as well, huh?

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Funny... I have heard this all before.  Jets fans came and went.  Iggles, Pats, (actually Pats fans NEVER go away, it's like they don't have thier own home).  The rookie QB will falter.  You are not dominationg teams, blah, blah, blah.  This IS steeler football at it's finest.  You smash mouth the running game.  Eat up T.O.P and the defense foces it's will against the opposing offense. 


again, your team has "dominated" teams with a combined win pct of .331.  Keep things a bit in perspective. 


Tommy was our starting QB at the begining of the season.  He is quite capable of backing up Big Ben.


At this juncture, dude, my only regret is that trolls like you will be long gone and never to appear here again if and when your team loses and doesn't make it to the SB. You'll be sitting at home, crying in your bowl of Frankenberry and wondering how much a Donovan McNabb jersey costs.


You're talking to some of the most knowledgeable football fans around. Stop acting like you need a diaper change.

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Bytor2112  (nice name BTW. or Cygnus-x-1)  THat is why I don't think Cowher wil pull back too much in this game.  He haas been riding his team on the back of the  "no respect" even though we knock off every contender we have faced.  He will keep his team up.  We had our "trap game"  against the giants.  We prevailed and I think we will try to continue that on Sunday.  But we shall see...




thanks Steel4 (i actually have a yahoo id that is Cygnus-X1)


I'll be watching the game with a couple Steeler buddies. Should be one hell of a game.

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You've got to love Steeler fan showing up.  If you're going to talk smack before the game, can you please refrain from the "we weren't trying" after you lose?  I can already smell the hypocricy from the other side of the state (Philly).

BTW - what is the Giants winning %?




Puhleeeese... Should I go into what was the Iggles winning pct when we played them? How about the Pats or the Jets? And if memory serves me correctly. We did beat the Giants on the road... So there pct did go down even MORE.


Besides I don't have to came back here and say "we Weren't trying" because all of you guys are saying it for me already... ;)

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First off, if you for some reason think that Bills Nation is not going to be in the house for the most important game at the Ralph in years I'd say you were off your rocker.




I KNOW Bills Nation will be in the house! 15 sellouts in 16 games going ape-sh** for the 15-16 Bills. A lot of Bills/Steelers games have been mostly one sided, squelching opposition fans. But if this game is the knuckle bustin' smash mouther I expect, I wish there were 75 thousand Bills fans vs. 55k-20k. They will be heard from so all Bills fans in attendance MUST return home completely hoarse and in need of throat meds to overcome them.


BTW, you're right. I broke my rocker on X-Mas and it's out being repaired ;)

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At this juncture, dude, my only regret is that trolls like you will be long gone and never to appear here again if and when your team loses and doesn't make it to the SB. You'll be sitting at home, crying in your bowl of Frankenberry and wondering how much a Donovan McNabb jersey costs.


You're talking to some of the most knowledgeable football fans around. Stop acting like you need a diaper change.




Troll? I have just been inputing my knowledge about MY team. If you want to sit around and circle jerk each other about your team. Be my guest.


BTW My team has FAR exceeded my expectations of them at the begining of the year. If this team does not make it. I will be more than happy with the season they have given me.


Oh yea. Quisp cuts the roof of your mouth. Fruity pebbles all the way. Just pour the milk right into the box.

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