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The Peter King 50: Ranking Top NFL Free Agents

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John Abraham...loved him in his prime and could definitely be a great stopgap/teacher for a draft pick at DE.

Garcon-fits the mold of a great #2 to Stevie. has good hands, range and knows what it takes to win.

Red Bryant- I watch him every weekend (Seattle is an hour a way and we get all the games). This mountain of a man would be awesome to have on the Bills front four. He just disrupts like there's no tomorrow.

Jason Jones- young with the ability to get to the passer. Fits a big need.

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On my favorites list are the following players, not necessarily exclusive but would include these of the top 50:


1. Brandon Carr

2. Broderick Bunkley

3. Pierre Garcon

4. Ben Grubbs

5. John Carlson

6. Terrell Thomas


Those are all guys who I think could significantly provide a boost to this team in various areas and would immediately make an impact through depth of talent and experience. I'm not on the VJax or Super Mario bandwagon mainly due to their overall cost and the potential disruption to the locker room as "super stars", nothing against them or their attitudes, it's just when you bring in "high profile" guys like them, it concerns me that the potential to detract from the team first mentality could get muddled, and one thing Gailey has done very well is deeply ingrain the notion of team first.


Wouldn't be too upset with Red Bryant and Jeremy Mincey either....and NO, I don't think we'll get all those guys, I'm just providing a short list of players I would like to see on this team in addition to having another solid Draft

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