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Raiders Fire HC


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Wouldn't mind Hue coming in to fill an offensive coach position here in Bflo. Has NFL experience as an OC, RB, QB, WR coach and the offenses he's worked on have had success. We've got at least 2 offensive openings and I see no reason not to bring him in for an interview.


I don't really know any of his past offensive coaching history so I'm gonna base my opinion the next best way... LOOKS... I think Hue would look cooler on the sidelines than Curtis Modkins so I say yeah, let's hire him...

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Carson Palmer was not the issue. CP will be ok when he gets an Off season under his belt. In fact he performed much better than Fitz in the same number of games. The problem was that the Raiders were just a very ill-disciplined bunch...They had the highest number of penalties...that explains the lack of focus starting from the HC...And no one could control the temper of Seymour.


Hate to break it to you but that history of penalties didn't start last season. In fact, Raiders teams have been known for their rowdiness for DECADES. To be honest, it's part of their attraction. As long as I've been alive Raider football has been a hybrid of thuggery, physicality, and atleticism. Most Raider fans wouldn't have it any other way. Something else is afoot, here. I'm not sure why, but Raiders management is quickly turning their HC position into a job nobody wants. This is an awful thing to do to a team that, IMHO, has a lot of talent, and was very close. As far as the Seymour thing, he's been beligerent for years, so that doesn't pass muster either. -Why not just get rid of him?


Whatever the reason is, I think removing Jackson from the system was a mistake. They had a good offense, even with a QB that basically came straight off the couch.

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The Raiders finally have a real GM, and soon will have a real coach and will no longer be a laughing stock.


You are now witnessing, like Irsay to Irsay, a Davis to Davis change in ownership philosophy that will lead to success in Oakland.


Meanwhile, we are still waiting...

Well said. They have a lot of pieces already and I think they can be a FA draw once again. If the new GM can find the right balance between the Raider mystique of old and running a modern front office they can do very well.

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Raiders came within a whisker of being Divisional Champs -including a 10 minute, post-game review to decide they didn't beat the Bills. Yes, they handed us 100 yards in penalty, but they overcame that with great plays. That was before Palmer returned. Carson is a great, accurate passer and the NFL is a passing league. Yes, they mortgaged a lot of their immediate future, but they have great WRs, RBs and DL.

They'll be a force, IMO.

I hate to see any city lose a team, but at least the Raiders keep it to just two cities..

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