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Iran To Close Strait of Hormuz?


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Iran warns of closing strategic Hormuz oil route



TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's navy chief warned Wednesday that his country can easily close the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, the passageway through which a sixth of the world's oil flows.


It was the second such warning in two days. On Tuesday, Vice President Mohamed Reza Rahimi threatened to close the strait, cutting off oil exports, if the West imposes sanctions on Iran's oil shipments.


In response, the Bahrain-based U.S. 5th Fleet's spokeswoman warned that any disruption "will not be tolerated." The spokeswoman, Lt. Rebecca Rebarich, said the U.S. Navy is "always ready to counter malevolent actions to ensure freedom of navigation."


With concern growing over a possible drop-off in Iranian oil supplies, a senior Saudi oil official said Gulf Arab nations are ready to offset any loss of Iranian crude.


That reassurance led to a drop in world oil prices. In New York, benchmark crude fell 77 cents to $100.57 a barrel in morning trading. Brent crude fell 82 cents to $108.45 a barrel in London.


"Closing the Strait of Hormuz is very easy for Iranian naval forces," Adm. Habibollah Sayyari told state-run Press TV. "Iran has comprehensive control over the strategic waterway," the navy chief said.




Maybe the administration should politely ask for our drone back.................so we can keep an eye on them better.




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Uh oh, some random nobody in their government is rattling the saber again!


I wonder who is going to kick Iran's ass harder if they try it, NATO or the Saudis...


The Saudis?! The Saudis don't generally kick anyone's ass (except maybe unarmed Bahraini protesters). They generally get someone else to do the ass-kicking for them.

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The Saudis?! The Saudis don't generally kick anyone's ass (except maybe unarmed Bahraini protesters). They generally get someone else to do the ass-kicking for them.


True, but when a few Saudi princes can't afford to buy their 48th 180' luxury yacht because they can't export oil, Iranian heads will roll!

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Countries are attempting to stop people from buying Iranian oil? How the heck would that work? If the world could pull that off it would be something and the Iranian military might feel it had no options but to try and attack tankers in the gulf as their hold on power would nearly depend on that oil revenue



This is getting more interesting

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Countries are attempting to stop people from buying Iranian oil? How the heck would that work? If the world could pull that off it would be something and the Iranian military might feel it had no options but to try and attack tankers in the gulf as their hold on power would nearly depend on that oil revenue



This is getting more interesting

No problem. The French are setting up a oil for food program right now.

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