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Lloyd to the Rams


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If I made a trade I would actually like to get a pass rusher or a quality corner......we need those far worse


Well a pass rusher basically cannot be had. Only two ways to get one of those is to draft and develop one or pay a gazillion dollars and beat out 10 other teams on a FA market. Corners are in demand to say the least as well...WRs/Rbs much easier to nab.


I mean, this is COMPLETELY out of left field and not reality but let's just say we could get Bowe for a first or a second and 6th...something like that...if we did that and resigned Stevie/Fitzy/Freddy....the way our line is playing...we basically finish off the offense. It's one thing to say "oh well the defense is SOOOO bad" but it can't really be fixed quickly. IMO part of it is just coaching/scheming but regardless of the cause it will likely be bad for at least another year after this one mercifully ends. To cement the offense for the next 3 or so years would give us an opportunity to CONTINUE to be a team a that can score enough to never be out of the game, and to basically draft defense exclusively and perhaps go after a choice FA on that side of the ball as well.


Just for discussions sake, but I think the defense is a long ways away and I think a fuse in the offense would help us hold out and stay competitive while we figure out what is going on w/ the D (which may take a while).

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There's too much cohesion on the offensive side of the ball right now. We're playing with a full hand of receivers who "know their role."


No need to mix up that dynamic now...PLUS, as folks have said time and time again, a better receiver doesn't make for a better throw on that second pick. That was just a bad throw. Nothing to do with arm strength, it was just bad.

Edited by The Big Cat
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I'd wait for Ochocinco to get cut soon. Then you get him for FREE. No draft picks. And he is a capable #2.


Haha, well that's debatable but trying out Ocho for free wouldn't be a bad idea. We need one more WR we can go to for serious work. If we're complacent we'll let the one thing we have going falter down the line.

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Last year was the only year LLoyd looked like a #1 receiver. He was hot garbage before that. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/6460/career;_ylt=Au7L5_w2J5mDWIK_4Vd1KdL.uLYF


And say what you will about the draft pick, those 4th - 7th rounders have been some of our best draft picks (SJ, Kyle Williams, Bell, etc.). I'd rather keep the picks and hope a guy steps up like they have all season (Namaan had a big play) than gamble on a one year wonder rent a player.

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The problem is more that the O-line can't protect Fitz long enough to get a receiver deep. Both NYG and CIN figured that out. pressure Fitz then crowd coverage close while keeping a spy on Jackson.




Giants barely blitzed last game... didn't have to. Guys are not spying on Jackson... they are just playing the middle of the field as a robber. Been saying this for weeks now


If the Bills wanted time to get guys deep they could (max protect). But it is a futile effort b/c the WR's (besides SJ) really struggle to get open against press man coverage.

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Wow, that's a steal for the Rams. The Bills could have really used him for that price.


If you are the Rams, why bother though? They are obviously out of contention.


People saying that we don't need WR help are crazy IMO. Our best#2 receiver last game was...CJ Spiller?

Edited by Turbosrrgood
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